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Sleep Eludes me:

Posted By: oldcurmudgeon
Date: Thursday, 3-December-2020 12:37:41

It is the wee hours of the morning, sleep eludes me, dark dreams, troubled spirit . . . this is a dangerous time, the future is uncertain, and fear mingled with confusion rule the hour.

Sitting here at the computer, reading what I can find on the web, I began to drift in my mind to the distant future, to a time when all of this is simply “history” and wondering how some future person would view it all. Will it make sense then? Will they understand the deep aspects that we can’t see now? Will they simply dismiss it as a “strange time” and pay little attention? Or will there even be a future where anyone cares?

One thing seems clear to me, if there is a future and there are historians they will need to be extra careful in sorting it all out because the vast array of data that is presently being generated is as much misinformation as it is real truth! It is maddening. Plain maddening, almost insane really, the amount of misinformation that is to be found almost everywhere. Some of it is, of course, simply the “fog of war” type crap that always accompanies crisis times, and some is simply “rumor” and “speculation” – again, the type of stuff that is always rampant during times of great change, but there is another aspect that is not normally so prevalent, and that is this massive disinformation campaign that is being waged by some forces in this battle. It is not hyperbole to say that this is actually an “information war” as much as it is an actually shooting war. The shooting part has not yet begun – or not in any meaningful sense anyway – but the informational aspects are simply off the chart!

What is actually happening? Who has really been taken into custody, and interrogated, and such things? Who said what, and why? Where can actual truth be found? Is the president about to throw in the towel, or is he determined to fight to the bitter end? How deep is the penetration of the “deep state” into the bowels of government? Who can we trust to be honest Americans fighting for the nation, and who are traitors who sold their soul to the dark side?

A good example of this just happened in the last couple of days. It was WIDELY reported that AG Barr said – just before going to the White House – that there was no evidence of voter fraud. This is something that some of us were concerned about anyway, since he and the department of Justice have been more or less sitting things out for a long time now, so it seemed to make some sense. But then, even though this seemed to be a “smoking gun” indictment against the President’s narrative, it was NOT PRESSED HARD by the MSM. That made no sense to me. Well, now I know why – it was pure bullshit – he DID NOT SAY THAT! What he said was that he personally had not seen evidence yet, but that the investigation was ongoing. The point here isn’t to discuss him, or his department’s missing in action silence, or any such stuff, but rather to point out how distorted the reporting has become. It was an out and out lie! Yet it was widely reported, and even some conservative alt media sites picked it up and spread it. But it was such a provable lie that it did not go anywhere and was soon dispelled. The problem is that some data – which is also a lie – is not so easy to disprove, and some that is the truth is equally not easy to verify. And there are damn few places that can be trusted to tell the difference, and even the ones that make a consorted effort to do so, can get it wrong themselves because they are facing the same issues . . . namely, who do you trust? And even if your source is trustworthy, do they themselves have the real information, or have they been mislead also?

Maddening! And even more dangerous than most realize. It is, as Orwell said in his book 1984, “in times of general deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.

Still, some things do seem to be slowly verified. For one, the server raid in Germany does seem to have actually happened, and there were casualties in that raid, and the CIA director was wounded and taken into custody. It is now rumored – and some of this does seem to be both consistent, and coming from different sources – that she “sang like a canary” and cut a “deal” and is now in some form of protective custody. The most reliable data I have seen is that she has been removed from her post (logical) and has agreed to work with the “good guys” in exchange for being allowed to live and even maybe start a new life someplace. Some say that she is in a prison somewhere under an assumed identity, and they say this is also the case with Epstein, and that both provided a vast wealth of information on the whole “deep state” apparatus. Maybe – I just don’t know, and we might never really know I suppose.

It is also slowly coming out – again from a wide variety of venues – that the “white hat hackers” (NSA?) have it all – that shredding the voting machines like they are now doing – in some cases this is in direct violation of judicial orders by the way – will not help since the data has already been gathered. It seems that there is a great deal of confidence that in the end all of this will be exposed totally . . . but, when will that take place? Is that itself misinformation to lull us to sleep? I don’t know.

As I say – maddening – and not conducive to a good night’s sleep.


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