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ETINT: 17 deadly effects of pollution on men, women, and children

Posted By: TKON
Date: Saturday, 6-August-2022 16:33:58

Excerpt from the 815th Contact, Friday, 29th July 2022, 9:17 hrs

Ptaah: What you say goes a very long way and brings with it consequences that can by no means be disputed any more. Overpopulation and anthropogenically caused climate change, which already found their origin in 1844, are now the main actors of what evil Earth-humans can expect in the coming future. It is only since the 1950s that the correct beginning of the actual impact has been found, and since then everything has developed in such a way that now the really visible impact is emerging, which will greatly expand and intensify in the time to come. What is already spreading and will expand in the future, I will briefly mention in points:

1. Poisonous influences and also actual chemistry have poisoned all plants on Earth and all life-forms of all kinds and species to such an extent that there is nothing left on Earth that is not contaminated by some harmful substances. This also includes the Earth-humans themselves, which is indisputable,although earthly scientists nevertheless deny this.

2. For decades, especially since the mid-1980s, the degeneration of logic, intellect and reason in Earthhumans has been spreading more and more as a result of gross and rapidly increasing overpopulation. The strength of knowledge has already sunk to such an extent that a stultification is recognizable,
which is not only noticeable in the field of learning and in grasping reality and truth as well as in not thinking for oneself, but also in general dealings with fellow human beings. The stultification, however, also shows itself in the senseless and meaningless and very often ridiculous talk and in the
primitive forms of expression in the use of language. The stultification of the human being, which also reaches into the world of science and produces nonsensical things, is also becoming more and more conspicuous in the way we judge, behave, behave and deal with our fellow human beings, the animals,the creatures, the very diverse other life-forms, the environment and nature, the trees and plants of all genera and species and the waters, as well as the planet itself, the atmosphere and thus also the vital air we breathe.

3. The degeneration caused by the consequences of overburdening Earth-humans or overpopulation through the uncontrolled procreation of offspring has an effect on the bodily organs, especially on the fertility of women, who become more and more infertile and unable to conceive.

4. The degeneration of overpopulation inevitably leads to a decline in the potency and fertility of men as well, and to such changes in their organism that they too become increasingly infertile.

5. Due to the negative effects of overpopulation, namely degeneration in the form of organ changes, women will be more and more affected by breast cancer in the future.

6. Thousands of aerohormones or environmental hormones floating in the air, of which, moreover,very few are known to earthly science, will be the origin of the increase in diseases, whereby they will have very rare or unknown manifestations, so that they will be known in human medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine only by hearsay or not at all.

7. Organ changes resulting from degeneration will cause more and more attention disorders in Earthhumans, which will result in much mischief.

8. Earth-humans will lose more and more control over their psyche, consequently this will lead to widespread illness and to ever-increasing life crises and more suicides as well as murders, because human beings will also lose control over their behaviour and actions.

9. The emerging consequences of climate change for many human beings will be that they will suffer from rising heat, fall ill with skin cancer due to the sun’s radiation, or succumb to death from heat stroke or heart failure.

10. The religious faith of all religions will be so fanatically promoted again that hatred will arise among Earth-humans against one or the other religion, just as racism and acts of murder will also arise from it.

11. Tiny plastic particles, as tiny as micro-organisms, or from other artificial substances and chemical poisons etc. endanger the health of Earth-humans, animals, wildlife and all other life-forms, which also includes all flora, trees and all plants, which in one way or another ingest, inhale or otherwise take up
the particles.

12. Climatic and over-breeding changes in the internal organs of the body and brain cause ailments which were normally age-related but which will affect more and more younger human beings in the
future, because degeneration affects various organs to such an extent that regulation will no longer be possible.

13. Furthermore, there will also be cognitive deficits, which will occur more and more in the future, such as limitations of memory as well as of speech itself.

14. Preterm births and very low birth weights of newborns will increase, and also hundreds of thousands of babies will die worldwide as a result of life-threatening air and environmental pollution, in addition to the increasing incidence of stillbirths.

15. Autism and heart disease will increase in the future, as will diseases of consciousness, depression and the suicides that result from them.

16. Hyperactivity disorders will also become more and more prevalent in the future, because environmental pollution and air pollution automatically mean that everything will be subject to

17. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco will also be the cause of many health-damaging factors in the future, which will continue to cause much evil among Earth-humans for a long time to come.
Overpopulation and climate change will bring such unimagined changes that Earth-humans will no longer be able to cope with them. It is also to be noted that the extinction of species of fauna and flora will continue very rapidly because Earth-humans in general do not care to put a stop to all evils –
above all the anthropogenic evils, mainly the gross overpopulation.

In addition to overpopulation and the destruction of the planet, of nature, its fauna, flora and waters, the production of chemicals is also responsible, as well as the poisonous substances and their spreading into nature, namely into the fauna and flora, as well as into the waters and the atmosphere.

More than 13 million Earth-humans are killed every year by the poisoned air we breathe, most of which is still full of unknown aerohormones or endocrine disrupters for Earth-humans. And the great evil is that no Earth-human can escape these aero-hormones and thus the air pollution that has been and continues to be created anthropogenically. And truly and actually, global air pollution is the leading cause of death of all forms of environmental pollution, as we sadly see time and time again.

Destruction of the Environment PDF


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  • ETINT: 17 deadly effects of pollution on men, women, and children
    TKON -- Saturday, 6-August-2022 16:33:58

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