Is it just a coincidence that just days after a report is released by ENENews that the leader of the Fukushima study stated that "Intense" radiation exposure was headed towards the US west coast with a plume traveling very fast and that "high concentrations" would impact the west coast with a prolonged period of radioactive upwelling expected, the highest of readings in San Diego, California and Albuquerque, New Mexico, suddenly vanish, go totally offline, and when they reappear those numbers have dropped by hundreds of Counts Per Minute?
Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probiotics has been documenting the radiation readings across America for quite a while now on their Facebook page, and thanks to them we have the images from 9/18 - 9/20, showing extremely high levels of radiation, via the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. Using those, with images from this morning, show that something very strange has been going on. Whether the NETC site was hacked or "coincidentally" these particular areas went offline and then returned showing levels massively lower than right before they went offline, we have no way of knowing.
The first image is from "Friday NIGHT, Sept. the 19th of 2014 These numbers was pulled at 11:00 P.M. Central Time ...." shown here.