I don't have any of his books which one would you recommend as a first purchase? He is easy to understand on his radio interviews or his youtube videos, are his books the same? Does he give references to the scientists he quotes?
One of my favorite comics said it best- 'Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.' Bill Hicks. You ever heard the rumor that Hicks was remade into Alex Jones?
: I have 'The Labyrinth of Time,' and the one on higher selves..
: (forget the name?!?!?) You are right, the man delves into
: some really good physics science mixed in with mythology
: and conjecture..
: He has really opened up my mind on how time works and how we
: all 'live' so to speak in only one infinitesimal fraction
: of time... Everything is NOW.. We have potential, now and
: past..
: What really blew my mind into millions of pieces is that
: consciousness, or the brain/mind is the only way we
: experience 3D reality.. Or the Holographic Universe.. It's
: almost as if it is connected to a virtual reality mind gear
: and looking into a material 'space.'.. You only think 3D is
: here because you are looking through the brain and it's
: senses. All electrical impulses.
: I will admit that some of it is far above my understanding but
: as time goes on, I go back and reread it and understand it
: a lot more then before..
: On many of his youtube vids he tends to talk to the layman
: (us) instead of tossing out science data at you.. Love
: that..
Re: I have Several of His Books !! He is really Good! Perception, Reality, and the Holographic Universe Paralemptor -- Monday, 23-November-2015 12:53:10
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