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Common Ground Independent Media

What’s wrong with the X22 Report?

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Monday, 29-April-2024 22:00:47

Ever since the consummation of the overthrow of the government of the United States of America on January 21, 2021, Dave Nazipsode of the X22 Report has been describing the evolution of a plan by “Trump and the Patriots” to stage a peaceful counter revolution that would restore the Republic through the electoral system. This plan which is largely based upon Q and Anon messages and seemingly corresponding events occurring at year-denominated deltas to such messages, along wih messages from Trump himself and Trump insiders such as highly credible sources Kash Patel and Dan Scavino, has evolved slowly from a relatively quick fix to a long, drawn out almost three and a half-year drama.

Today the plan as described by Dave at the X22 Report can be summarized as follows… First, allow the Biden regime and the Deep State (including the intelligence state) to do whatever they want to do to destroy America. This is done so as to really piss off the vast majority of the country’s Republican, Dem
ocrat, and independent voters. By the time of the 2024 election the citizenry will be so pissed off that they will vote Trump back into office along with Republican majorities in the House and Senate so overwhelmingly that the Democrat Party and the Deep State will not be able to cheat sufficiently to steal another federal election like they did in 2020. Once back in office Trump will do everything that he was supposed to do in his first term which is to turn “the swamp” into a desert and restore the country to being the constitutional republic as it was founded. That’s it in a nutshell.

Sounds like a plan, except I would contend it has several fatal flaws that spell ultimate disaster for the USA and for all intents and purposes the end of the American republic. Let me put it this way, I hope that the plan will work if indeed it is Trump’s plan, but here are the reasons why I believe that it is terminally flawed and will fail:

1. The first part of the plan prescribes that the Biden regime and the Deep State have to be let loose to do whatever damage they can to America for FOUR years leading up to the next election. That is an extremely long time to give a malevolent executive branch of the federal government to do damage. When you consider the power of the president and all of the executive branch agencies that report to him including the DoD, the CIA, the NSA, the DoHS, the Justice Department with the FBI, Treasury, State, Departments of Transportation, Agriculture Transportation, Environment, Education, Labor, etc., there is virtually no limit to the amount of damage that can be done…and is being done…to America. In addition, a Republican controlled House has served as no check whatsoever on the Biden regime, slavishly funding every destructive thing that it is doing and not funding anything that would serve the interests of the American people.

What has been the primary result of this? Biden has without restraint aided and abetted a 15 million illegal alien/foreign invasion of the United States. Virtually all of the invaders have been let in or literally, intentionally transported into the country at taxpayer expense without any control whatsoever…nobody is supposed to know who these people are or what their motivation is to be here. However, it is obvious that the Biden regime knows exactly who a major part of these invaders are and what they are meant to do here. Many of the invaders are military aged men who are being recruited into a fifth column Deep State army to be called upon to create chaos, fear, and destruction in the country when required to weaken the USA and disrupt any civil activity like elections. Other invaders sponsored by the Biden regime include human traffickers and their victims profiting the Biden regime and the Deep State, drug traffickers profiting the Biden regime and the Deep State, and international criminal gang members brought here just to create mayhem and fear in our communities. Others are just masses of third world people who are being transported into towns and cities large and small across America to strain and break the social support systems of those communities and destroy America as a civil society.

I do not believe that the planners of the plan that Dave at the X22 Report has described could have anticipated that Biden’s executive branch of the federal government would conceive, fund, and oversee a 15 million person foreign invasion of the USA before they could be taken out of power, for the specific purpose of destroying the civil and economic society of the USA. What the Biden regime and the Deep State have done in this regard is so outrageous and so contrary to the governing laws of the country that it is not inconceivable that this could not have been anticipated by patriots looking to restore the Republic.

Unfortunately, for a totalitarian regime this sort of behavior is commonplace. Totalitarians don’t care about laws or societal norms, they just do whatever they have to do to gain and keep absolute power and that is exactly what the Biden regime is doing with this invasion.

2. The second reason the plan as described by Dave at the X22 Report is fatally flawed is largely related to item (1.) above in that the Biden regime and the Deep State have, during their time in power together, badly damaged or crippled many of the productive systems of the USA to the point that some are on the verge of collapse or simply blowing up. The idea here is that in order to replace the old constitutional republic with a new totalitarian state you first have to destroy the old system in order to replace it with the new. Here’s how they are doing it…
On the blowing upside, the Biden regime with the collusion of the Congress has blown up the national debt to the point where it is not only unsustainable, but has the potential to destroy the U.S. dollar domestically and internationally. A currency collapse like in the 1930’s German Weimar Republic is now in the offing and nothing destroys a country like its currency going to zero. The U.S. deficits and debt are systematically destroying the middle class through inflation and causing high interest rates to make home ownership unaffordable. The dollar is in the process of losing its status as the world’s reserve currency because of the reckless actions of the Biden regime in foreign policy. This sort of damage may never be repaired even if Trump comes back into office. If the currency collapses there is no domestic economy and the country is doomed.

Another thing that the Biden regime and the Deep State are doing is disrupting the food supply of the country to cause mass starvation and death among the populace. They have been doing this by burning down over a thousand of our food processing plants, destroying massive herds of livestock, spreading disease among livestock, shutting off the supply of seeds and fertilizer to farmers, and restricting credit to farmers so that they cannot finance their crops.

The Biden regime and the Deep State are doing everything in their power to incapacitate our energy production by restricting drilling for oil and natural the use of abundant coal for energy generation. They are making our electric grids unreliable by forcing solar and wind power into their generating capacity. The intentional collapse of electric grids across the country will cause further chaos. All of this is raising the cost of energy that goes into everything and further aggravating the plight of the dwindling middle class through massive inflation.

All of these things are being done intentionally by the Biden regime and the Deep State to cause the collapse of the United States before any national election can take place in 2024. Although the Biden regime will have accomplished the purpose of the Trump and the Patriots’ plan of turning the people against the regime…the people surely wouldn’t vote for Biden and the Democrats in any election after what they had done…it wouldn’t matter. The country would be over and the plan would be forgotten.

3. As far as the 2024 election is concerned, the Democrats still have effective control of the voting systems in those all-important swing states and even some not-so-swing states like Arizona. In the 2022 state elections in Arizona for U.S. Senator, governor, secretary of state, and other top state positions there was massive, confirmed voter fraud that was upheld by the corrupt Arizona courts that awarded all of the offices on the ballot to Democrats. It was so blatant that it could only be construed as a message to the nation that the Democrats will steal every election that they have to to gain and keep power. Pennsylvania is doing 100% mail-in ballots to make sure that Democrats steal that state.

But there is another angle to all this. It is patently obvious that the Democrats fear that Trumps popularity and Biden’s unpopularity would be a challenge to their cheating system if they allowed an election to happen. Even if they succeeded in stealing the election, it is likely that the people would revolt in some way that might get violent. It is for this reason that they are trying so hard to put Trump in jail to maintain the appearance that they intend to allow an election, but without Trump on the ballot. They would really rather assassinate Trump and eliminate the problem altogether, but that would be proof positive that they were not trying to maintain the appearance that a real election would take place. The upshot of this is that they will never allow a national election to happen in 2024.

The whole idea that the Democrats and the Deep State are going to allow themselves to be taken out of power by a silly election is simply ludicrous. Even though they have the election game fixed, they know that the only way that they could possibly be taken down is by violent revolution and that is something that they would rather avoid considering that they have been so far unsuccessful in removing the 300 million+ guns from the hands of the American people. If there is to be an election after all of the chaos and mayhem resulting from the destruction of America as outlined above, it is likely that Biden and the Deep State will use their million-man fifth column foreign army in place and armed to create such havoc on and around election day that the vote will have to be “postponed”…as in never happen, and their total power will be secure for the duration. So much for the Trump and the Patriots’ plan.

There is one other possibility that Dave at X22 keeps mentioning that may be helpful but maybe not. Dave and others in the alternative right media like Juan O Savin keep insisting that when Donald Trump stepped down from the presidency in 2021 that he did not relinquish the position of Commander in Chief of the U.S. military. In fact, it is said that Trump still commands the Cheyenne Mountain central control locus of all nuclear forces and is still in possession of the codes to launch any nuclear strike to the exclusion of Joe Biden. This goes along with a lot of the Q drops that suggest that at least part of the military is still under the control of Trump. Dave keeps saying that Trump used the newly minted Space Force to collect all of the cyberspace data with respect to the stealing of recent national elections and that he has everything to prove that there was an act of war committed against the USA by foreign actors in collusion with U.S. traitors…as reported by the Space Force that is still loyal to him as CIC.

The idea here is that Trump will release Space Force’s data well prior to the election of 2024 and prove that the Biden regime was illegitimately placed in office, and was in fact so placed as a result of an act of war against the USA by foreign actors/governments aided by U.S. traitor/collaborators. Under an executive order concerning foreign interference in USA elections, Trump would use his power as the real CIC to order the military to step in and seize the traitors who collaborated on a national level with foreign powers to steal the 2020 election and were planning to do the same in 2024. The military would also seize all of the judges and state officials who collaborated in the crime. Once this was done, the military under Trump would take hold of the election nationally and go to all paper ballots cast only on election day at the proper polling places with universal proof of identity and citizenship…and all counted by hand on that day assuring a free and fair election.

This would be a truly fantastic outcome and would redeem the Trump and the Patriot’s plan completely, except that there is one complication. A few months ago, Dave Nazipsode interviewed General Michael Flynn on the X22 Report Spotlight program. In that interview Gen. Flynn stated unequivocally that the U.S. military was, is, and will always be only reactive to its civilian superiors…the Secretary of Defense and the President of the United States. That is their constitutional duty and they swore allegiance to the Constitution. Flynn rejected the idea that the military would ever intervene in the affairs of government as postulated by Dave and others who contended that significant parts of the military would do so at the behest of Trump or under any executive order. I would have to go with Gen. Flynn’s assessment, unless he is sandbagging the traitors into believing that they have nothing to fear from the military.

So what’s wrong with Dave Nazipsode’s X22 Report and Dave’s insistence that Trump and the Patriots have this all figured out and are prepared to act within the system to whatever the Biden regime and the Deep State are going to do to remain in power. What’s wrong is that these totalitarian jerks are absolutely ruthless and vicious, and have zero moral compass…and they will do the most unspeakable acts to remain in power. They are animals who only respond to force. The idea that we patriots are going to bring them down through the electoral system or any other peaceful way is just not going to happen. Look at totalitarians down through history…they always use violence to acquire power and to keep power. It is naďve to think that this is going to end any other way…I wish that it would but history at least tends to rhyme.



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