OK. All this talk of ascension. They promise us a state that is our naturally, automatically if our state of mind is correct, when we 'shuffle off this mortal coil'. We don't have to wait for it or do anything. It just is, on the next level of existence.
This place is what it is for a reason. I personally have come to the conclusion we're masochistic idiots for having volunteered to be here now that I have no further use of it, but that's just my opinion due to insufficient data due to lack of Akashic Library Card.
I've been here many times. Hence I'm calling myself a masochistic idiot, too. I remember a totally different 'tude toward this place when I was on the Otherside via an NDE when I was shown what I asked for before I got here. I didn't take physical lives seriously. Like Nemesis and Kelly Coffee, and others say, it's like a game. I'm under the impression it's also connected to EGO, wanting to be here. You wanna prove something. You wanna accomplish something. You wanna experience the concept of being and 'island' for the sake of seeing if you can make it according to your own criteria. Or from what I see of humanity these days, you wanna make the biggest pain in the neck possible for the rest of the world that you can, all species (plants included), and the planet herself.
Now, it all you have to do is leave your body for good under your pre-set circumstances (since you decide at what age and how you're gonna die before you're born) to get what you want, why should this place change? It's a touch school for the sake of evolution. Why should the Physical suddenly become more like the Etheric? It doesn't make sense to me. It's not forever anyway, thank the gods. And as far as I'm concerned, those who want immortality in this realm are feckin' nuttier than a pecan!
And if there was a time when the Physical was more like the Etheric (which I'm beginning to doubt), then choose to be born at that time (time does not exist in the Cosmic Scheme of things. It's an illusion of the Physical to measure streams of consciousness.) it was like that, provided the era was real.
Some people break through The Vail. Yogis, Shaolin, various people choose to be born with the Vail being very thin, and a lot of them are destroyed for it. Look what happened to Nicky Tesla. The west doesn't take too kindly to bodhisattvas trying to make the world a better place for humanity. It will kill them if they are effective. Look at all the alternative doctors that are publishing cures for cancer that are being assassinated.
I do not think we are suddenly going to wake up one day with the ability to instantly manifest or mind read, or explode heads, or fire start, or clean the abode via telekinesis. That's not what this place is for.
Should I have put telepathy in there? It already exists. It's something most just have to become aware of, and it's also not too reliable with everybody for 99% of us. It's used by good animal handlers, and the animals themselves. Of course, I speak for the human species, and not the aliens amongst us. On the other hand, I don't see the aliens manifesting anything out of thin air. I think what separates humanity from aliens is mostly knowledge. I'm under the impression many are telepathic and can step out of time, so to speak; but I'm under the impression they're just as handicapped as the regular mortal flotsam that lives here. After all, they use technology, too. If they were free on Physical confines, they wouldn't need anything. This place would be useless to them.
Now I wait for us to kill most of ourselves off, with a few survivors left to build a new Golden Age, which will last for I have no clue how long, before it deteriorates again for a new Kali Yuga mess, as probably has gone on forever and a day. . .out of time, of course.