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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Common Ground Independent Media

Re: MLK: Hypocrite, Plagarist, Serial Adulterer and Socialist

Posted By: StormyOne
Date: Monday, 18-January-2016 19:16:04

In Response To: MLK: Hypocrite, Plagarist, Serial Adulterer and Socialist (Paralemptor)

It is not we that place King on a pedestal. He is placed there by our handlers making sure future history will be defined as they want it defined.

: The father of Democratic Socialism. Stael from others and
: redistribute to others.

: Why do we put upon pedestal those who are not worthy. While
: almost all of our movie stars and politicians fit that
: title, King does too.

: Para


: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgqz3CaAWC0

: quote: The evidence is quite solid that Martin Luther King,

: Jr. did cheat on his wife, but the claims that he engaged
: in orgies or that he had sex with prostitutes, white or
: otherwise, appear to be totally undocumented at best and
: complete bunk at worst. Ralph Abernathy, a close personal
: friend of Martin Luther King, Jr. and King's successor as
: head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, wrote
: a tell-all memoir shortly before he died called And the
: Walls Came Tumbling Down, which was extremely controversial
: when it came out 1989, because of its discussion of King's
: infidelities. According to this page on snopes.com, which
: quotes extensively from Abernathy's autobiography, many
: African-American women found Dr. King extremely attractive,
: and King was not always successful in warding off
: extramarital temptation: Martin and I were away more often
: than we were at home; and while this was no excuse for
: extramarital relations, it was a reason. Some men are
: better able to bear such deprivations than others, though
: all of us in SCLC headquarters had our weak moments. We all
: understood and believed in the biblical prohibition against
: sex outside of marriage. It was just that he had a
: particularly difficult time with that temptation.

: In addition to his personal vulnerability, he was also a man
: who attracted women, even when he didn't intend to, and
: attracted them in droves. Part of his appeal was his
: predominant role in the black community and part of it was
: personal. During the last ten years of his life, Martin
: Luther King was the most important black man in America.
: That fact alone endowed him with an aura of power and
: greatness that women found very appealing. He was a hero —
: the greatest hero of his age — and women are always
: attracted to a hero.

: But he also had a personal charm that ingratiated him with
: members of the opposite sex. He was always gracious and
: courteous to women, whether they were attractive to him or
: not. He had perfect manners. He was well educated. He was
: warm and friendly. He could make them laugh. He was good
: company, something that cannot always be said of heroes.
: These qualities made him even more attractive in close
: proximity than he was at a distance.

: On the other hand, even though Abernathy risked a lot of
: ostracism from his peers after writing about Martin Luther
: King's infidelities, Abernathy never ever claimed that King
: engaged in orgies or that he had sex with white women,
: prostitutes or otherwise. The most likely reason that he
: never made claims like that is because those claims are
: untrue. Abernathy had no incentive to keep silent about
: tales of orgies or prostitutes, even if they had been true.
: Abernathy was close to death, in dire economic
: circumstances, and if Dr. King had involved himself with
: prostitutes and orgies, Abernathy would have probably
: included them in his autobiography in order to sell more
: copies of his book and pay off his debts. Instead,
: Abernathy wrote,

: A recent biography has suggested without quite saying so that
: Martin had affairs with white women as well as black. Such
: a suggestion is without foundation. I can say with the
: greatest confidence that he was never attracted to white
: women and had nothing to do with them, despite the
: opportunities that may have presented themselves.

: Another factor that burnishes Abernathy's credibility is that
: he claimed King had had a sexual encounter with a woman who
: was an African-American state senator from Kentucky. Since
: there was only one African-American woman in the Kentucky
: Senate at the time, we now know that woman was Georgia
: Davis Powers. Later on, Senator Powers published her own
: autobiography, I Shared the Dream: The Pride, Passion, and
: Politics of the First Black Woman Senator from Kentucky, in
: which she confirmed Abernathy's account that she had had a
: sexual relationship with Martin Luther King, Jr. In fact,
: in a later interview with a Kentucky newspaper, Davis said
: that she had gotten some pressure from some
: African-American male ministers in Louisville not to
: publish her book. In recollecting this backlash against her
: book, Davis said, "They thought somebody was going to
: tell on them. And the women just said, 'I wish it had been
: me.'"

: https://www.quora.com/What-evidence-exists-that-Martin-Luther-King-Jr-engaged-in-orgies-with-white-prostitutes-and-other-women

: quote: His rampant adultery and serial, life-long womanizing
: revolted even some of his closest associates. Large parts
: of his doctoral dissertation were plagiarized. He had
: numerous ties with communists and Soviet sympathizers.
: Then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover knew this, which is why
: he considered King a “fraud.”

: Moreover, King was a radical leftist. He promoted socialism,
: pacifism and the appeasement of totalitarian communism. He
: opposed the Vietnam War and even openly supported the Viet
: Cong and North Vietnam’s Marxist dictator Ho Chi Minh,
: praising them as anti-imperialists battling Western
: occupying powers. Yet, these Soviet-backed communists would
: eventually impose a murderous police state upon the
: Vietnamese.

: At home, he called for heavy public spending, urban renewal
: and a cradle-to-grave nanny state. He was critical of the
: Great Society for not going far enough: White America’s
: collective racist sins could only be expiated through
: big-government liberalism. King called for racial quotas in
: government contracts, affirmative action and billions in
: welfare assistance. In short, he helped lay the groundwork
: for the modern Democratic Party - anti-war, favoring the
: redistribution of wealth and obsessed with identity
: politics.

: King’s leftism ultimately betrayed his original civil rights
: creed. His call for a color-blind society was contradicted
: by his multicultural progressivism. Affirmative action,
: racial quotas, government handouts to minorities - these
: policies directly violate the basic principle of equality
: under the law. Contemporary Americans are not judged as
: individuals, but as members of a racial group, gender or
: ethnicity. This is a perverse inversion of the very kind of
: racialism prevalent in the Old South.

: King’s socialism also convinced many blacks to adopt welfare
: liberalism. It transformed them into a permanent Democratic
: constituency. The results have been disastrous. The nanny
: state has crippled the black community, undermining
: self-reliance, entrepreneurship and personal
: responsibility. It has fostered family breakdown, soaring
: rates of illegitimacy and trapped millions in a cycle of
: poverty and urban squalor. King showed blacks the way out
: from segregation, but he led them to an economic
: plantation.

: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/sep/1/martin-luther-king-jrs-mixed-legacy/


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