However, we're also happy to report some good news in the war against evil. We also must remind you - as Pastor Kent Hovind tells us in the 1st video below, all is not lost - we can defeat the 'new world order'. Sputnik News tells us that a 'fatal blow has been dealt to Daesh' with the Iraqi Army poised to take back Mosul. More good news out of Finland where we also learn from Sputnik that the majority of Finns want to remain neutral and oppose joining war-mongering NATO. The headline from the Drudge Report tells us that the left and the right have converged in a revolt against the elites. Bravo America! This is how we take America back!
In fact, driving out the 'war party' (yes, both Neocons like Hitlery Clinton and Neocons like Jeb Bush) is really the only way to take America back and have the result of peace and prosperity for all thrive in our world. There's an old saying: "The problems we face will not be solved by the minds that created them."
The story on Zero Hedge sums it all up perfectly as the 'war party' is on the run in America today with the roots of the anti-Trump and anti-Sanders camps being Neocons (DEMS AND REPUBS) who want to use our brave men and women to spread hatred, death and war everywhere that the American war machine goes. With the war party losing power and the political death of Hillary Clinton now in our site, will they take us to war one last time before they go the way of the dodo bird as the economy collapses? From Zero Hedge and Justin Raimondo via
I haven’t had this much fun in years – of course I’m talking about the US presidential election season, with The Donald taking on all comers, and winning (at least so far), and Bernie Sanders burning up the self-satisfied mandarins of the Democratic party Establishment.
What’s great about this spectacle – and one must view it as a spectacle in order to gain maximum enjoyment from it – is that, as none other than Rush Limbaugh points out:
“Trump is so far outside the formula that has been established for American politics that people who are inside the formula can’t comprehend it. They don’t understand why somebody would want to venture so far outside it, because it is what it is, and there’s a ladder of success that you have to climb. And somebody challenging it like this in more ways than one, as Trump is doing, has just got everybody experiencing every kind of emotion you can: They’re angry, they are flabbergasted, they’re shocked, they’re stunned – and all of it because he’s leading.”
As I explained here, and here, one of the ways Trump is upending the rules is that he’s broken with the GOP mandarins on foreign policy. Yes, yes, I know he bloviates about how he’s “the most militaristic person” on God’s green earth, but the fact is there’s plenty of others out there who out-do him in that category. I’ve heard him say he wants to “bomb the s**t out of ISIS,” but aren’t we doing that already – to little effect? When Bill O’Reilly asked him why he didn’t support putting ground troops in Syria, he answered “Do you want to run Syria?” O’Reilly demurred. Trump puffs up his chest and announces he wants us to have “the strongest biggest baddest military on earth” – but you’ll note he invariably adds: “So we’ll never have to use it.”
Most significantly, he doesn’t want to start World War III with Vladimir Putin’s Russia: he’s actually defied the anti-Russian propaganda blitz and said he’d like to be able to get along with Putin. This alone would’ve been enough for the neocons to start a holy war against him, but he’s even gone further than that and said the Iraq war – the neocons’ handiwork – was “one of the dumbest things ever,” and Limbaugh describes their response to a tee (of course without naming them).
Oh yes, it’s great fun watching the waterboarding of the neocons.
At ANP, we have to agree! Watching the fall of Hillary Clinton, the neocons and the complete uninterest that Americans have in Jeb Bush this political season so far have been some of our more enjoyable political experiences over the past 30+ years, dating back to the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Will America be able to 'take it all the way' and make sure the likes of the Clinton's, Bush's and the NeoCons NEVER hold America hostage again with an ouster of those two names prior to the general election? Would a Trump vs Sanders campaign during the late summer and fall of 2016 be one for the ages, and certainly one to drive the Clintons, Bush's and neocons totally insane?
First of all, we have to make it that far and with the economy still tanking and the very real possibility that Obama and the neocons who are still lurking could take us to war, there is still no guarantee we'll have an election in 2016.