This is a very long article. I'll only post a small portion of it here. A good read!
Who are the Nine Unknown Men? Is this just a myth, with just enough historical reference to give it some facade of believability? Pure conspiracy craziness based on what was meant to be pure fiction? Or are they really out there, entrusted with the most powerful knowledge mankind has ever seen, collected over thousands of years? If so, who are they, where are they now, and what is there ultimate plan? Are they truly benign, or is there the potential of malevolence?
It was 237 BC and a bloody war was waging. India was under the reign of Emperor Asoka, a merciless and cruel military king who desired nothing more than to lay waste to all in his path. He was the grandson of the great Mauryan ruler Chandragupta, who was one of the first to truly unify India and indeed it would be a long time before India would be peacefully unified again in the wake of the Maurya dynasty, with the brutal plundering of Mahmud of Ghazni, and the more than three centuries of rule under the Moguls that would follow in the centuries to come. Asoka himself had such a potent all encompassing rule that H.G. Wells once wrote of him in his book Outline of World History, “Among the tens of thousands of names of monarchs accumulated in the files of history, the name of Asoka shines almost alone, like a star.” In this particular harrowing battle, Emperor Asoka was in the midst of trying to conquer the region of Kalinga, which lay between what is now Calcutta and Madras, a task which was expected to be an easy defeat but which resulted in the brutal slaughter of over 100,000 men, many killed in a senseless orgy of blood and massacres. The sight of the horrors of war and the ruthless mass killing of so many men took its toll on Asoka, and the once coldblooded emperor realized the horrors of all of the bloodshed.
Emperor Asoka's envoy in the aftermath of the Battle of Kalinga
Emperor Asoka’s peace envoy in the aftermath of the Battle of Kalinga
In the aftermath of the massacres of Kalinga, haunted by the display of so many men brutally slain and the sight of so many smoldering homes and rotting corpses, Emperor Asoka decided to renounce the idea of trying to violently subjugate others, rather opting for a system of winning over the people through the observance of the laws of duty and piety; to integrate rather than destroy. He converted to Buddhism, and went about spreading this system of beliefs throughout the land, from Malaya, Ceylon and Indonesia, to Nepal, Tibet, China and Mongolia, even going so far in his desire to avoid blood that he preached vegetarianism and the avoidance of the slaughter of animals. The story goes that Emperor Asoka also realized at the time that humankind was apt to use intelligence, as well as to put scientific and technological knowledge to evil use for the purpose of destruction. He vowed to create a way in which all manner of technological secrets and discoveries of mankind would be kept protected from the gaze of those who would use them for the purposes of annihilation and death, in order to protect mankind from those who would use scientific knowledge to put it into peril and bring about the downfall of all society.
To this end, he supposedly formed a secret society tasked with keeping the accumulated knowledge which could be used for destruction safe from those who would misuse it, and to further pursue research and knowledge that would benefit mankind instead of destroy it. It was Emperor Asoka’s desire that all new technology be hidden away forever from those who would use it to nefarious ends. Thus was the Nine Unknown Men born. Nine trusted disciples of science were chosen and each entrusted with a book containing all of mankind’s accumulated and ever growing knowledge in a certain field, which the holder of the book would add to, revise and perfect, and this duty would be passed down to the select chosen throughout the ensuing centuries. Some accounts even go as far as to suggest The Nine have unlocked the secrets of immortality and retain their position for eternity. There were to always be nine of them, no more and no less, and they were to remain obscured from the world at large and to avoid any and all dealings with politics or mainstream science, instead opting to remain hidden in the shadows. In order to conceal their communications, the Nine Unknown Men were said to speak in a synthetic language of their own devising and which was incomprehensible to anyone but themselves. They would serve as keepers and guardians of this hidden knowledge contained within the ever expanding books and observers of the world around them, to witness the rise and fall of whole civilizations yet to never interfere or play an active role in any of it except perhaps in times when mankind was in dire need of help.
The subjects of these nine alleged mysterious books vary wildly, and cover a range of disciplines and knowledge, much of which we still do not possess today and would have been certainly unheard of at the time. The first deals with techniques of propaganda and psychological warfare, the science of manipulating mass opinions and sculpting the attitudes of society at large, which has long been thought to be among the most dangerous of sciences. The second deals with the subject of human physiology, an equally dangerous field outlining such things as how to create poisons, kill more efficiently, ways to manipulate pressure points, and indeed how to kill with a mere touch. The third book delves into the area of microbiology, with its vast potential to create and manipulate microbes that could save or wipeout mankind, as well as more beneficial microbes for medicinal purposes or purification. Some legends hold that the Ganges River is purified with microbes designed by the Nine Unknown Men with the use of this book. The fourth book is on the subject of alchemy, namely the transmutation of metals, a power which is used to explain the sudden influx of gold to some temples around the country from an unknown source in times of need. The fifth book delves into the subject of communication, strangely supposedly including methods for which to communicate with extraterrestrials, which would have been a fairly high concept notion in 237 BC at the least, and would suggest they knew of alien intelligences. The sixth book is all about the secrets of gravity, including the ways in which to make anti-gravity aircraft called Vimana, which are persistent in Indian myth throughout history and are sometimes called ancient UFOs of India. In the seventh book there is said to be a vast, exhaustive amount of information on cosmology and the workings of the universe, including allegedly the secrets of faster than light travel, how to bend space and time, travel between dimensions, and by some accounts even time travel. The eighth book is said to be about the nature of light, including increasing or decreasing its speed, bending it to one’s will, and using it to create weapons such as lasers. The ninth and final book is about sociology, and is said to include the immutable rules of the rise and fall of civilizations, as well as the secrets of how to predict the decline of society, and how to stop it or hasten it.