: I'm not sure the Annunaki ever left, and WHERE THE HELL IS
: ENKI?! Though I do have issues with him as well as his
: incompetent jerk of a half brother, Enlil. Me thinks they
: both deserve a slap upside for the things they've done and
: haven't done. Enki for doing his damn genetic engineering
: which left a mess, and Enlil for not doing a decent job
: when he tried to obliterate the mess.
: Ya know, I think the worshippers of Enlil by any other name
: are about as stupid as you can get. Why worship a 'god'
: that holds you in contempt, is using select groups of you
: to make a mess of the planet, and who will probably destroy
: you after you've destroyed the rest of humanity. They don't
: see that, though. I don't think they can even imagine.
: Then again, me thinks the days of Enlil are coming to a close;
: and hopefully the leftovers from the Enki's creation will
: finally get its shoite together.
: KnowwhatImean?
The power structure are serious 'Luciferians' - which is the practice of the 'ancient mystery religions' which were the worship of Baal, Horus, Isis, etc. They consider themselves special because they have access to the 'forbidden knowledge' - which was taught by the fallen angels (the fathers of the Nephilim). I am not saying that aliens do not exist, what I am saying is - they are basically the return of the Nephilim, and they have the same goal in mind. To destroy humanity. The big lie - the great deception coming is - these 'aliens' are coming from another universe to help mankind. Nothing could be further from the truth. My belief (and this is just from what I have researched) is - they are not extra-terrestrial (from another planet) but I believe they are inter-dimensional. CERN has a great deal to do with this - they have been creating these 'portals' to communicate with these inter-dimensional beings. They want to bring them into our realm - and these 'beings'(I think they are evil spirits) have one goal in mind - to destroy humanity. And the power structure are basically carrying out the goal.