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Common Ground Independent Media

The Sun, The Star Of Life

Posted By: Liam77
Date: Monday, 17-October-2016 07:16:53


Greetings Light Beings of Terra Three in the System of Sol! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth resides within your heart. Let your mind go silent, if you wish to hear the ‘voice’ of the heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

Did you ever wonder if the Sun, the governor of our Solar System is ‘alive’?

I have. Long ago. The moment that thought sparked in my consciousness, I knew deep within the answer is yes. The answer was always in the ‘thought’ itself.

Yes, our Sun is alive. It breathes, it exhales, it shares, it IS.

It is very simple. You have to have light, life, in order to give it. Our Sun, gives light, life, and much more to everything on Earth and beyond.

But to a mind of the ‘social sciences’, the Sun is just a gaseous object and it is bad for you. The Sun is evil, it gives you cancer. Also it is only recently that scientists are beginning to think in terms of science beyond ‘matter’. Imagine the ridicule, calling a today’s so-called scientist close-minded. Unless of course they do not wish to share the truth by orders given to them by someone else. Someone who knows the true benefits of the Sun. So to keep humanity asleep, they create stories in the media to put fear in people’s minds and give them a negative image of the Sun, and you have everyone staying indoors and still the numbers of sick people in the Western World are higher than ever.

Light is intelligence. So is our Sun. This star does not just give light and life, but it also knows how much light one needs. The Sun ‘reads’ you, it knows what you need as far as energy, and it radiates it to you. But many people cannot process this light.

Growing up, I and my cousins would play outside in the Sun all day long, literally. We would never get sick.

I have done it countless times, and still do it now. I sit outside in the middle of a field for three to five hours, often times at the sun’s greatest height above the horizon, and I feel nothing but joy. And maybe a little sweat. I do not recommend anyone do this, we are all different. If you wish however, do this at sunrise for the first two to three hours. I must also mention that the Sun itself is not ‘hot’. The heat we experience is caused by the pollution of planet Earth that we have created.

Most of the people I know, get a headache, feel dizzy within twenty minutes of being outside when it is sunny, no matter what time of the day.

It is not because the Sun’s ultra-violet light is bad for you.

When one has a ‘cloudy consciousness’, one cannot absorb too much light, simply because there is no room for the light. You also get aches as the light pushes through the imbalanced pockets in your body. And of course, you cannot be locked up in your house for weeks, and go outside once a month or less and than get upset because the light may not be so comfortable.

Release all negative thought forms, watch what you consume, spend time in the Sun. Gradually increasing the amount of time. And see the changes you will experience. Heightened awareness, development of intuition, less need for food, activation of your dormant DNA, boosts immunity, and much more. Just the vitamin D from the Sun has over one thousand benefits for the human body. The benefits of this magnificent star are endless.

We are aware now that our sun is changing. As it receives new energies from the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun is becoming more powerful than ever before. These new energies are being radiated to us by the Sun, infusing everything on Earth with new light. This is bringing immense changes to our world. And again, the ones with a cloudy consciousness and junk filled physical bodies are having a very difficult time processing this new light. We kindly say, change or prepare to be CHANGED.

The true star of life that is the Sun was put here for great purpose. However as I said before it is the ones we chose as our leaders that continue to keep us in the shadows because we allow them to. Not to worry though, because as the new light builds up on the Earth, ALL will be transmuted into light.

Let Love Be Your Intention.
From Heart to Heart, I am KejRaj.



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