Greetings, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj.
For the past 12,000 years, since the fall of Atlantis, humanity has been purposely mislead in every aspect by human and non human entities.
Throughout the 12,000 years timeline so much has happened that has been kept hidden from you, and there are many things that in actuality never occurred but were planted in your minds as historical facts, as truth.
You have been mislead to believe that you as humans are different, you are not, you are all spirit in physical form. You have been mislead to believe that you are worthless, you are not, you are gods; that you must obey certain rules and laws on a piece of paper or you would be punished by those in power on the ground or by something in the sky. How can gods be punished? Only if you allow the shadows in power to punish you.
Everything that you have been told ’til now by your masters, everything that has been done to humanity for the past 12,000 years, has been done to simply put fear into your minds and hearts, so those in power turn you into their slaves. And you allowed them to do this because you simply believed everything without ever asking questions.
From the televisions in your homes, to the books in your schools and the books of your religions, it is all garbage. Your TV is nothing but propaganda and all those books have been written and modified over and over again for hundreds of years by the men behind the curtain, the men that promise you everything and give you nothing.
You have been taught to hate because love is the most powerful force in the universe. Those in power made sure that the energy of fear and hate run the planet, or else they would not be able to survive here on Earth. A planet that is heaven in physical form, yet you have turned it into a wasteland.
The memory of Earth being a spirit, a living being, was wiped out from your minds, so now you destroy your own mother that feeds you. You are her children, the animals are her children. The oil is her blood. Gold, silver, diamond, and other minerals are her organs. The trees, the flowers, the grass are her arms, legs and hair. The rocks are her books, yes, records of Earth’s history are kept in the rocks, energetically. And yet you do not stop paving, plowing, cutting, digging, tearing her up and polluting her body and atmosphere every single day. How much longer?
Love is unity. Everything that you were taught leads to division. And that is their key, the key of the shadows in power.
You were taught to believe that we exist by chance, that you have no true purpose, no value. So this lead to the loss of self love for the human being. And when one has no self love, one cannot love others. Division rises, leading to chaos and those in power come in to save the day, and take control of you. Which is what your leaders have always wanted and accomplished, but not complete control, as they had hoped.
Now, the time for all the games is up. It is time for you to rely on yourself first, to take respons-ability, to seek the truth from within, to claim your power, to know your divinity and shine your light.
The time for hate and chaos on Earth is over. Peace is the imminent future on this heavenly garden of a planet.
It is all a matter of choice. Do you wish for a world of light, love, peace and joy, or a world of darkness, hate, war, and sorrow.
What YOU choose in your mind and heart, you WILL see it manifest in front of your eyes.
Mother Earth has chosen. The vibrations of peace and joy will sound on her body. And anything that does not match their vibration to that of mother Earth’s, they will leave the planet, and simply find their self elsewhere in the universe, where they will continue their lessons.
It is time.
Think, speak, be love.
Let Love Be Your Intention.
From Heart to Heart, I am KejRaj.