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The Magical Pearls

Posted By: Liam77
Date: Tuesday, 13-December-2016 11:37:30

In Response To: Cabal Bankers On The Run (Liam77)


Pearls have been known for their healing properties for centuries, particularly in traditional Asian medical systems. In these cultures, “medicine” deals with more than just physical ailments and cures, and substances like gold, silver and pearl powder are believed to have effects both physically and metaphysically.

Modern science has not discovered anything magical about pearls, but this does nothing to diminish their stature in people’s eyes. Pearls are said to give the wearer a sense of calmness and centeredness, and to promote faith, loyalty, truth and purity. They can especially enhance personal integrity. They have also been used in a number of cultures to help women connect with their “inner goddesses” and obtain the ultimate “feminine energy.”
Metaphysical Properties of Pearl

Pearls symbolize Purity, Spiritual Transformation, Charity, Honesty, Wisdom and Integrity, all the best within us. Pearls provide a clear vehicle for the advancing states of wisdom, as well as a clean channel for receipt of spiritual guidance.

Pearls can stimulate your femininity and help with self acceptance. They lift your spirits and make you feel calm and beautiful. They remind us to walk with Dignity.

Pearls not only provide a mirror in which to see ourselves, but give us insight into how we appear to others.

The ragged, rough grain of sand, transformed over time slowly growing into a object of great value and beauty. With it’s humble beginnings, Pearls symbolize innocence and a pure heart, and help us get in touch with the simple honest things of life.

Pearl grants to its wearer extraordinary foresight, protects him from risky commercial transactions and from evil eye. Pearl’s magical properties depend on its color: white Pearl brings freedom, brownish – wisdom, yellowish – wealth, greenish – happiness.

Pearl signifies faith, charity and innocence. It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. Pearl symbolizes purity and is known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. Inhibits boisterous behaviour.

Healing Properties of Pearl

Pearls have been used throughout medical history to help treat disorders of the digestive tract, muscular systems and the skin. Powders and potions containing pearls have also been developed to aid in fertility, as well as in easing the discomforts of the birthing process. Many cultures and societies have made similar claims for this lustrous gem.

The Chinese, for example, have depended on the healing properties of the pearl for centuries. They have used it to treat everything from simple eye ailments to serious heart problems, bleeding, fever and indigestion. To this day, the Chinese still use pearl powder as a skin whitener and a cosmetic, as do many other people around the world. In fact, the pearl is widely considered to be effective in controlling the skin conditions rosacea and acne.

Pearls are considered to be very effective in treating health issues related to the stomach, heart and spleen. It calms the mind and prevents hysteria, promoting mental stability.It was believed that Pearl boosts sexual energy, strengthens visual acuity and heals ears diseases. It is beneficial for heart, lungs (against tuberculosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis), kidneys, urinary system and liver. Pearl possesses sedative and also laxative effect, neutralizes poison, lowers acidity, It relieves conditions of bloating and biliousness.

Pearl increases fertility and eases childbirth. Pearl also raises sensuality. Pearl was believed to be the main ingredient of “immortality elixir”.

Pearls have a beautiful natural luster and its translucence make it one of the most favored gems. Pearls occur in a variety of colors which depend on the type of clam or oyster that produced it as well as the environment it was produced in. Apart from the time-honored milky- white hue, pearls are also available in silver, cream color, white, green, lavender, black, blue and golden shades.


The best natural pearls are sourced from islands in the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, Persian Gulf and Sri Lanka. Japan is well- known for cultured pearls. Sri Lanka produces the best Moonstone, followed by India. This gemstone is also found in Madagascar, Myanmar, United States and Australia. Alexandrite is mainly sourced from Russia, Sri Lanka and Brazil.
Etymology of The Pearl

The word Pearl is derived from the French ‘Perle’. This in turn has its origins in the Latin word ‘Perna’ which means leg; as the shells in which pearls form have a shape similar to a ham or mutton- leg.
Scientific Make up – Composition of Pearl

Pearls are composed of aragonite which is a mineral of calcium carbonate and are formed inside specific types of clams and oysters which could be fresh- water or marine. When a tiny grain of sand or any such irritant enters the issue of the clam or oyster, the mollusk begins to cover the foreign particle with a secretion. Natural pearls are more or less oblong or spherical in shape and highly- prized.

According to a legend, Pearl is formed from dew which is itself tears of the goddess of Love. Another legend says: once the god of subterranean empire has ordered to his citizens to bring him all known stones of different colors. He crushed them one-by-one, mixed them all together as he said: “Let’s combine the beauty of all the stones together, to make a new stone – pure and invincible “. And so the diamond was born, – pure, as a dew, a stone of indestructible hardness, which contained all colors hidden in the sun rays. “It is the greatest stone of this Word, – said god – but for my queen I’ll create the greatest stone of the sea!” – and so he has created pearls. Pearl brings happiness, wisdom, wealth, promotes prosperity, saves from misfortune, protects youth, beauty and health, recuperates and heals a lot of diseases. It is a stone of Moon.


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