Well, we finally have a new president! It was a nerve racking few weeks since the elections, wondering what tricks the liberals were going to try before Trump could be inaugurated. But finally Obama is out of the Whitehouse and the work of getting the nation back on track has begun. Trump stuck with his simple plan in his speech to put America first, bring back more jobs and stop Islamic terrorism. It was a great parade with a lot of patriotic marching bands and military - including the Border patrol. Trump has already signed some executive orders which were related to changing Obama care to something more affordable for citizens.
World leaders that have been standing against the new world order and social globalist are ecstatic about Trump finally becoming president. This has also caused the enemies of the US to change their activities, knowing they will not get away with what they have been doing the past 8 years. The communist agitators and race baiters no longer have an ultra liberal administration and attorney general that look the other way with un-American activities. The Border patrol and the courts, plus the states will now feel they have the authority to stop illegal immigration into the nation.
The news media is still reeling from the loss of their socialist candidate Hillary Clinton. The main media will be in an adjustment period trying to figure out how to cover Trump or to twist the new propaganda to match their political agenda.
It is a foregone conclusion that Trump will not be able to fulfil everything he wants to accomplish because of Congress dragging their feet. But the environment and chemistry In America has changed drastically now - and that will have far reaching ramifications. Tens of thousands of jobs will be kept in the nation. Taxes will be reduced, oil pipelines will be put in place, US defenses will improve, a sound fiscal policy will emerge and a positive attitude for the future of the nation will improve. Time will tell what kind of resistance Trump will receive from the global socialists who were trying to turn the US into a third world nation. In this regard we cannot assume all is well and we have attained an ideal utopia. We must continue to be vigilant in defending our way of life and be aware of the dangers we face in a chaotic world. We can celebrate a small victory now, but, the real work has just begun.
George L. Eaton, The Priority Report
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