There has been talk of states seceding at times but it is simply not practical. The US government simply won't tolerate it to begin with - we fought a civil war to answer that question. However, the globalists consider the break up of the United States as a dream come true - so it will be able to fracture our power as a nation and be able to control us easier.
In this case however, the secession movement is coming from the left wing liberals and a huge number of Mexicans that reside in California. The truth is it won't work because there are too many federal programs Californians rely on and not enough people contributing to society in the tax roles. If California declared independence, within a month they would be begging to come back. All the Government would need to do is cut off all food stamp programs, federal funded highways, all ederally funded programs, Social Security payments and retired military payments, etc. The US government would not consider California another nation but a hostile rebel area with enemy combatants that no longer deserve checks from the government. They would also reduce all operations on US bases, which would cut back on incomes in those areas affected. But the economic reality would hit first from the lack of federal funding, and that is all it would take to stop the movement. It is simply not realistic, not even close.
If a person will study their history they will discover this is exactly what the Southern states tried to do before the civil war. They wanted to trade with foreign countries and not share the wealth with the rest of the nation. It was not tolerated then and will not be tolerated now. It is not feasible by any stretch of the imagination. The ulterior motive for this exit project is to establish an Azatlan territory that the Mexicans and Hispanic re-conquistidors have been talking about for decades. The long term goal is to take back not only California, but, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas.
It is highly possible that the drug lords of Mexico are also pushing this agenda so they can expand their territories for drug running. This would create a larger region where the same kind of chaos and murder in Mexico would be happening in US states, so that the drug king pins can make more profits. The statistics for murders in Mexico from the drug wars is staggering, with over 160,000 dead. The Mexican people themselves for the most part are good, hard working people. It is not their fault their nation has been over run by corruption, drug running and bribery. Many of them have fled here to escape that chaos and poverty. But, bringing that same culture into our nation will not improve our nation, but instead drag us down to that third world level. A nation without borders and laws is not a nation. The US cannot accommodate unchecked immigration, and no one should expect unlimited jobs for every would-be immigrant that flees to our nation.
There is an agenda for this influx of illegal aliens. Even though the people themselves are only wanting a better life, the liberal politicians and bankers are exploiting this situation for an ulterior motive. They want socialist voters and more people to loan money to - so they can expand the "base" of a pyramid financial system, so they can make more profits. The long term goal or side effect is the break up of America so it is more easily controlled in the future.
The "Calexit" is not workable by any stretch of imagination and is dead on arrival. Once the public sees the down side it will not go forward to become a reality.
George Eaton, The Priority Report