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US Amb. Haley's condemnation of Russia is a Declaration of War!

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 4-February-2017 15:44:47

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley gave her first speech at the UN, and the first and only subject she discussed was condemning Russia for the Ukraine war and how they must respect the sovereignty of free nations. What a joke! Ukraine is an illegitimate coup government! Then she made it crystal clear that Russia must return Crimea to Ukraine! That is insane, it was never under the control of Ukraine without a Russian presence - the Russians had a permanent base there and naval port by the agreement made with Ukraine years ago. Russia did not steal Crimea! What she is asking them to do is go backwards in time and give up their warm water base in Crimea! That is never going to happen! That statement in itself is a DECLARATION OF WAR against Russia!!!!
Think it through - If Russia gives full control back to Ukraine, they will tell the Russians to leave and forbid them from using the naval base. That would be like the UN telling the US to give back San Diego, California to the Mexicans and leave the naval base! That base in Crimea for Russia goes back hundreds of years.

There has been absolutely ZERO reporting on this from ALL Russian news sites. None. They are stunned in Russia and are wondering how to react to this slap in the face. This is a huge game changer. It shows that NATO, the EU, and the globalists have chosen the path the US will go with the war in Europe. Trump will have to back this down immediately - backstep this issue, or else the Russians will go to a higher defcon, and I am dead serious. This is a huge betrayal. Putin purposely put things on hold BECAUSE he was wanting to do the most wise and patient thing possible in Syria and in Ukraine, and all across the eastern front that, by the way, just happens to have thousands of NATO troops massed on the border to invade Russia. Putin did the bare minimum the past year waiting for a new US administration. And this is how he is rewarded???

This is a major issue and one that needs to be looked into deeper. I don't have a good feeling about this development and quite a few Trump supporters are going to be very disappointed if he is on board with this war talk.

McCain and Lindsey Graham wasted no time in going to Ukraine this week to light the fuse for war against Russia. Someone must be paying these guys off to be that excited about war. This is disgusting and shameful. There is zero proof that Russia has made any aggressive moves against the coup government of Ukraine. Let's hope Trump wakes up to this fact and shuts this warmongering down. The lines on the Ukraine and Russia issue could not be more clear. If the US helps the coup government of Ukraine they are just as guilty as Soros and the globalists of murder and a conspiracy against free nations.

In regard to Ukraine, most people, including Russia were thinking Trump would reverse Obama's policies, remove the globalist agenda sanctions and support Russia's position in defending the genuine defenders of democracy in East Ukraine. But Trump's new UN Ambassador condemned so called "Russian actions" and declared the sanctions would remain in place as long as Russia held onto Crimea. This is a big win for billionaire George Soros and the New World Order globalists that want to march towards Russia and steal their oil and natural resources. This is not an act of defending the innocent and the rights of free nations, it is dishonorable and dead wrong - and the act of cowards and thieves. To defend the illegitimate coup government of Ukraine is to throw away our Constitution and defend criminal thugs, murderers and global socialists!

Putin has held back for more than 2 years trying to stay out of Ukraine's business. He rescued the Russians in Ukraine, but the remaining ones are still under constant attack. It appears that Poroshenko has up-scaled the war to hook Putin into attacking. Once he attacks then the media will say that Russia is aggressively attacking and invading a free nation. Putin knows this game and is trying to avoid being tricked into a war.

I simply can't believe that Trump would go backwards on the situation with Russia. It doesn't make any sense. I have never heard him say one thing about Russia needing to give back Crimea. What Ambassador Nikki Haley said about Ukraine and Russia seems opposite of what I thought Trump was for all along. Even the left and the whiny libs were saying how sold out Trump was for Putin. How could both sides of the political spectrum get this so wrong?

Russia has been very careful with involvement in Ukraine. They have helped with humanitarian supplies and a few volunteers, but basically no aircraft and no major incursions have taken place that would reflect any type of invasion. Basically all the people in E. Ukraine could do was hold the line defensively. It appeared to be merely a holding operation. Putin could have done a lot more the past 2 years, but he held back. For Haley to say they need to "stop" and that they must give back Crimea is off the charts crazy.

The people in Crimea voted to join Russia. It was to be a naval base for them when Ukraine broke off from Russia years ago. Russia did nothing illegal or wrong in that situation in Crimea, and yet Haley says they have to give it back???? Why? What planet is she from? And, to make matters worse, she said the Obama sanctions would remain in place unless they gave it back? I have news for her, that ain't ever going to happen! How could a new Ambassador misread the president's policy's that badly???

It is obvious she had to be briefed by someone ahead of time. She focused on this speech since being appointed by President Trump. This was a MAIN topic of her FIRST speech for goodness sake! This is a very serious issue and one that requires attention. I spent countless hours studying the coup in Ukraine and the influence of Soros and his Non-Government Organization(NGO). I listened to the tapes of the CIA allegedly planning on killing protestors to make the protests and coup work. I knew about the $2 billion Soros spent through his NGO. This was a huge operation that involved multiple agencies, Blackwater mercenary types plus foreign agents from NATO countries. People were murdered! This is corruption and evil in its highest form!!! Trump had to know about this! Someone had to have told him about this! So why did she say those things and put all the blame and condemnation on Russia, when they are not at fault for ANYTHING?? The big question that needs to be asked now is: Did Trump approve of that speech at the UN? If he did, then we have to reconsider Trump's policies and make it clear to his administration that his supporters want honor and integrity back in government. We should give Trump the benefit of the doubt so he can start with a clean slate. This is only a faux pas perhaps, or a misjudgment on her part - a scandal, but if it is not corrected it becomes a stain on Trump and on America. And, when it comes to war with a nuclear power we can't afford misunderstandings, there is simply too much at risk.

George Eaton, the Priority Report


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