This Equinox is a key energy threshold that offers a gateway into a new future allowing for more balance and new beginnings. Here are some preparations you can put in motion now to benefit in the highest way.
Equinox, as a reminder, occurs each March and September, signaling a change in seasons and a new beginning. It’s much more than a date on a calendar, especially now.
These times are unique, to be sure. The first weeks of 2017 have been filled with a parade of surprising events and an underlying sense of urgency about where our world is headed. As I wrote about in “2017 Predictions,” these are unprecedented moments with a lot at stake. Each of us has a role to play in creating the world we want, and simultaneously living our best lives – guided by spirit.
With polarity and division becoming increasingly commonplace in so many countries, the need for balance is crucial. With many people feeling discouraged or simply blocked about moving forward, the energy boost of this gateway can provide significant openings. Continue reading to know how this applies to you.
3 Tips to Benefit Most from This Equinox
FIRST, slow down enough this week and throughout the weekend to be still and do some inner reflection. You deserve this time and stillness. You need quiet away from tasks and devices to listen deeply to your heart and inner wisdom. Some of your greatest breakthroughs come when you aren’t focusing on a desired outcome but simply being open to a higher view of circumstances.
SECOND, change is all around you now, and on many days it likely feels like the new normal is to have everything upside down. The most important change to focus on, however, is the one going on inside of you in these moments. Each outer world event can show you something new about yourself and what you need to shift. Invite that knowing, then be present enough over the next several days to see and integrate a radically new view of your potentials and ideal next steps. Consider that many of your greatest future accomplishments could be outside your radar – so be open to new ideas.
THIRD, keep the big picture in mind all week, regardless of how bumpy the energies get. Yes, these are intense times, and some days you may feel challenged by disturbing dreams or daytime dramas. The weekend of Equinox, however, begins on a high note that can boost your spirits in a grand way. In fact, Saturday with the beneficial Mercury-Venus conjunction, don’t be surprised if you wake up optimistic and feel like the sky is the limit. Utilize this energy to enjoy yourself, connect with loved ones, and join in group meditations like the one we plan Saturday with The Council of 12. Doing these things will raise your frequency and put you in the expanded consciousness space needed to benefit from this gateway.
Spiritual fuel and a change of pace this weekend can help you reset your energies and recapture your joy and enthusiasm for being on Earth now.
At your core, your true nature is joy. Some days you may forget this, but it is always there.
You as a divine changemaker are wired to prevail even when things feel challenging or when you temporarily lose your way. Your inner light is the beacon that leads you through the darkness to find your way home.