Full Post: https://eraoflight.com/2017/08/01/qa-with-kejraj-meditation-the-event-gcr-ascension-and-more/
Greetings, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
This is a series of questions received via email from our readers that I will answer here and share with you all. Please understand the information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
***Question: How many hours a day can I do Kundalini meditation?
Answer: Well, for one we would suggest not to rush with this. Listen to your intuition, ask for your guides’ assistance. And two, 15 to 20 minutes a day is more than enough. This is a very powerful energy to be working with.
***Question: Why are birds louder in the spring and summer than in other seasons?
Answer: The obvious reason would be they are just filled with joy for the warmer days. Another would be that their sound frequency helps the plants grow and blossom more quickly.
***Question: Are many people going to leave Earth once Ascension picks up speed; Around what year might this be; How many are expected to ascend?
Answer: Right now, there are more deaths than births happening on Earth, and the death rate is only increasing. By 2025, many, many will have left Earth. We cannot get too specific on this, as it would simply cause fear among the populace. The number of people that will ascend is always changing, but it may be ‘less than half’ of Earth’s current population.
***Question: How often should I wash my hair?
Answer: Every other day, or every two days. Yes, we are aware that shampoos may dry, irritate the scalp, wash away good nutrients your scalp naturally makes. But our current world environment is far from pristine to where we would have to clean ourselves less often. Of course as always, use natural, non-gmo products.
***Question: I would like to ask you about the relationship of ascension process and the process of release prosperity programs, when prosperity program will release massive funds I understand is primarily for humanitarian projects but also to reconstruction of nations around the world and construction of future cities, also I have read that in the ascension process our mother earth will have to pass a process of healing and reconfiguration above all on the surface earth so the population will have to move temporary to inner earth, but what will happened with the recent future cities or what is the reason for construction of future cities if those will be destroyed in the process of reconfiguration of surface planet, I mean the prosperity programs will release massive funds to build new future cities and eventually that will be destroyed again?
Answer: There will be some places on earth that will be covered in water. But this will not start ’til around 2020.
The rebuilding of new ‘modern’ cities with new technology, free energy will begin likely after the Event.
New cities will not be destroyed.Also, the Cabal must be rid of completely in order for people and governments to rebuild full speed.
Humans may be moved to Inner Earth and Starfleet Ships only in case of mass evacuation. We are far from that as of now. Eventually, after all is set and done, maybe 100 years from now, ALL will move to inner Earth. Like in other worlds, residing in the Inner planes of a planet is the ‘norm’.