Thanks for sharing.... It almost sounds like a testicle festival.. :-) (I'm just yanking your chain ) I actually found very it worthy of tale to tell.. Have you ever thought about being a script writer??
Have you ever thought that your deep seated memory could be trying to tell you something from history?? Like you're tapping into the akashic records or possibly a past life?? ??
Castrated 'gods' supposedly had hyper-masculinity. They were super-men and fiery or supposed Sun worshipers . By giving up their sex drive (or redirecting it) they gained super powers .. Anu had his bit off by Alalu (Sumerian) .. Cronos/Saturn did away with Uranus's .. Set did this to Osiris.. Heru did the same thing to Set.. Mahadeva, the Hindu creator, had his fall off.. Jesus himself was a symbol of a eunuchs lifestyle.. Or someone who had their sex drive redirected. Seemed to work him him (in myths) as it gave him super powers.. .. If I remember correctly even Odin had his bit off by a wolf or a boar??
Eagles figure in strongly with this Sun worship, also.
: For years I've had this memory, a quest, a fight, a vision.
: Of a pyramid to climb, fighting all sorts of demons,
: Seeing them in my dreams, fighting with all sorts of weapons,
: holding the light as I climbed the stairs.
: I thought that was a way to defeat them.
: Holding the light defeats nothing.
: It only maintains the battle,so you can grow stronger.
: So I get to the top of the fucking pyramid with this devilish
: demon accosting me who I know can kick my ass from here to
: eternity and as he lifts his sword for the final blow his
: balls drop below his tunic and I say "What the
: Fuck?"
: Grab with both hands and rip with my teeth at the base as hard
: and as fast as I can. Blood flows and the sacks drop like
: they're filled with lead. My head dropping onto the rock
: below with a thud and my brain thinking the death blow is
: upon me but I got a good strike before I go to the
: hereafter.
: My brain thudded upon the square hole on the top of that
: pyramid as I spit the remaining remnants from my mouth and
: a glow appeared. Quite fiery. Blew me out of that hell
: hole.
: Sucked the demon in, I must suppose, as I did not witness his
: disappearance. I laid down and rested on that rock.
: Awoke, lit a smoke, noticed the way down still held remnants,
: thought, Happy Ending? Eagles on the wing? Fuck it. Maybe
: there's a soul to save on the way down. I'll find
: redemption, for them, for me, some day. It's just not
: today.