Mind control 101: Under the guise of an apparently benign movement, begin the indoctrination of the populace with the concept that free speech is actually offensive and outright hateful. Any criticism of any group, individual, government policy, etc will be deemed hateful and injurious to some group or to some individuals who have been successfully inculcated to confuse freedom of expression with hate and discrimination.
Thus, the concept of political correctness, a snake in the grass designed to deliver poison into the hearts of those who cherish the first amendment, was created. All opposition to the official narrative shall be deemed hateful, intolerant, and consequently, suppressed.
Freedom of speech cannot be confused with sedition. Sedition promotes violent overthrow of a legitimate government. Hate speech is abusive to certain legitimate opposition groups.
In today's present climate intolerance for diversity of opinion is the norm for many. The article below addresses the ominous trend toward the suppression of opposing viewpoints on college campuses which have now become hotbeds of militant activism.
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