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World Teeters On The Edge Of War (March/April 2018 Priority Report)

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Friday, 16-February-2018 14:09:25

March/April 2018


I have been very surprised the US did not do a preemptive attack on North Korea when things were at a fever pitch. One of the reasons I felt an attack was imminent was the fact the main stream media was following the North Korean issue and helping to build up the saber rattling that always seems to lead up to war, and our battleships and aircraft carriers were in position. The fact the US has not attacked N. Korea makes a person wonder why. Ample evidence existed that N. Korea had hydrogen bombs and were building ICBMs able to reach any location in America. The North Korean communists sell their weapons to any terrorists or rogue nation that has the money to buy them. It is a foregone conclusion that North Korea is a dangerous menace to global security. And, as they are allowed to continue their proliferation of weapons of mass destruction that EVERY city in the world is at risk of being targeted and blown up by the whims of radical terrorists. This begs the question then - why has the US and other super power nations ALLOWED that Mickey Mouse country to continue this criminal activity against the world?? Do they have a death wish? Has that tin horn dictator not built enough hydrogen bombs to kill off enough people yet?

The communist agenda to conquer their neighboring countries, threaten the world and sell weapons to anyone has not changed one bit. When you consider the fact that the globalists have a long term agenda of drastic population reduction it makes a person wonder if they have a secret scheme in mind to start larger wars where tens of millions will die. In their writings they call the expendable people of the nations the "useless eaters", or cattle to be herded where they like and slaughtered at will. The fact that they did not shut down North Korea's bomb and missile factories makes a person wonder if they actually want them to make more bombs to someday create a larger war that would kill even more millions. Never under estimate the lengths of cruelty the conspirators will go to - to achieve their ends. They have no moral compass to prevent them from killing off millions. The only things they focus on is more profits and total control.

The crazy thing is the globalist are the very ones that have been instrumental in increasing the world's population. Their food programs have given poor nations the ability to feed their people which leads to them making more babies. The leaders of those nations skim off everything from the peasants and then refuse to help their own people to become productive citizens. So, here again the globalist create the problem then offer the solution. Each nation should be responsible for feeding their own people and creating jobs for them. We cannot take in the world and feed everyone, it simply doesn't make any sense.

Russians claim we are already in World War Three

I have been following events in Europe and the Middle East and see that the stage is set for a shooting war between the US and Russia. Ukraine has moved artillery and tank positions close to the Eastern Ukraine battle front and could launch an invasion at any time. The US has increased their financial help for the murderous coup government and embedded a secret number of US forces inside Ukraine. The US ad NATO have also activated thousands of troops for military maneuvers in the countries next to Crimea where Russia has a naval base. The war rhetoric coming from the US State Department and the US Ambassador to the United Nations has not subsided regarding Russia. In addition to that, the situation in Syria and neighboring countries has not decreased but has actually increased since Russia helped rid Syria of ISIS.

Turkey has 30,000 troops inside Syria fighting against the US backed Kurds. Russia has an unknown number of troops inside Syria working with the Syrian army to continue the mop up phase against ISIS. The US forces are starting to run into Russian troops and recently the US attacked a Syrian military outpost and killed over 100 Russian soldiers. The estimate ranges from 20 to 600 of Syrian and Russian soldiers killed, with no way to know an accurate number in the war zone. To complicate the issue Iran also has troops inside Syria, and Israel has been bombing those forces on a regular basis inside Syria. Recently Israel has claimed that Iran through their proxy forces have sent drones against Israel which they shot down. At one point Israel sent a fighter jet into Syria and it was shot down by Syria, which was the first time in 30 years that Israel admits one of their jets was shot down. They say the pilot was not killed but injured. To say that things are heating up in the Middle East is a huge understatement.

The conflicts in the Middle East could erupt into a major war at any time. This is an especially volatile time because Israel feels emboldened since Trump was elected. Trump has given the green light for Israel to attack any group or nation in that region including Iran. I have mixed feelings about Trump's performance since being elected. I support many of the ideas he had that included building the wall on the southern border and reducing the restrictions against businesses so they can operate without so many regulations. But his blind support for Israel, his anti-Russia stance and his increase in foreign wars is not wise or rational, not to mention against his pre-election promises. My advice is to be prepared for anything to happen. Have food stored up for any type of emergency, and have a survival plan in case we get bombed or if there is an economic downturn. George Eaton

(The following is a writing a friend of mine wrote recently that I felt was on target and deserved to be shared with others. I have always strongly believed in the natural leadership of men in a family and the honored role that women play. It is when those two roles become blurred that confusion can ensue and a nation begins to crumble. A vital nation requires correct leadership. Unfortunately our nation is going the opposite direction than it should be heading towards and the outcome is not going to be a positive one.GeorgeEaton)

(Begin Quote)
The roles of men and women and the modern women's liberation movement

I have a few private thoughts about the issue of Women and home violence. I think that we as men have allowed and granted Women- far to many concessions and Rights. Rights which the scriptures have been specific in not granting. In today's Liberal Retarded world, aka the Libtard World... women have been empowered to attempt to be Men...which is a farce and a very bad joke. Women in general today are trying to Rule The Roost and Direct The Lives of families... and this is far from their scriptural roll as helpmates to their husbands and as care-givers.

I think that it began with the idiotic mistake of 'Female Empowerment. We should never have allowed this. Women by their very nature and nurture have minds which are more hormonal and bio-chemical in nature.... and less discerning than their male counterparts. Simply read the Bible and you will see plainly that God purposely placed the women in a secondary role to her husband. Think about it and you will agree. Remember too that In the early days of the American Experiment the founding father's laid out our representative government with the requirement that unless you were a land owner and therefore had 'skin in the game'....you could not vote for issues which affected governance. Women too were denied the vote because they were already represented by the leader of the family- the husband...and the owner of the estate or land. Giving the spouse the vote would be granting two voices in a home where they only had the right of One Voice or Vote. The founding fathers feared that over many decades of time....females could and would erode and subvert the role of the husband...and destroy the direction of American Civilization. The church and civic leaders continued to deny women the vote. But change was in the recipe of time. Soon non property owners were allowed to vote on public issues, even thought they had not skin in the game.... they voted freebie for themselves at the expense of responsible land owners- who continued to be taxed... and were made to pay for the non producer's share of public expense. Certainly the downfall began. A hundred and more years later the Women's Suffrage Movement began to march and gather steam, and castrate society under the theme of social justice. Political whores soon granted the very thing that the founding fathers forbid... and a new amendment was passed- followed by an Estrogenic Tsunami which soon ripped across the nation.... replacing common sense and destroying the social structure completely. Women were empowered and given the Vote- the free right intended only of men. Quickly the woman's rights movement began 'the devolution of society' to the depths that we witness today. Granting women the right to vote was the antithesis of the intent of the Founding Fathers and subversive to the biblically ordained role of men.

For the past hundred years we have witnessed the devolution of the family, and the destruction of the scriptural relationship of the Biblically assigned leader- who righteously directs the home. We have witnessed estrogenic emotionalism hold sway over common sense, and male leadership vaporize. I conclude that much of the perverse and libtard reality today is in direct correlation to men failing to shoulder their leadership role and women failing to remain in the honored and essential role where God instructed them to be. Michael (end quote)

Globalist meet in secret to determine how to control the masses
Recently the globalist gathered in Europe in a place called Davos. These gatherings of the wealthy elite and political leaders is reminiscent of the Bilderberger meetings that have been going on for decades. These groups have think tank researchers present them with conclusions on where the world needs to go in dealing with a variety of issues. The premise for these gatherings is that we as the "ill equipped masses" are not intelligent or capable enough of deciding for ourselves what we think is best for our lives and in our own countries. But that they alone possess the intellect and ability to decide for us what is best. On the face of this premise it is obvious these gatherings are a blatant attempt to hijack our nations and manipulate, control and enslave the populations for their own ends. When a friend of mine asked about Davos and what I thought, this was my response:

Davos is not a right and left issue gathering, it was nothing more than the ultra-liberal/socialist wealthy elite getting together to discuss how they can control the masses.The only freedom the corporations and wealthy elite support is their liberty to make more riches off their controlled indentured servants. That upper class has replaced the kings and monarchs and then pretend to be liberals that care for the masses. This is all a lie they promote - as they work towards creating a global plantation where they and their children will be the perpetual masters and the rest of us will be the "equal" peasants.

George Eaton


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