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Common Ground Independent Media

I want a non-traded bank account!!!

Posted By: translucynt
Date: Sunday, 4-March-2018 14:47:34

With the prospect of receipt of blessings of humanitarian funds to my responsible direction and signature control, I have been looking for an account that is not automatically traded in any markets whatever. What I find is that the small banks and credit unions seem to use the same software, have the same array of deposit accounts with various rates and agreements of timed deposits. The only non-deposit account found so far is at an investment house, to hold investment funds for any particular investor. That situation at least allows for specific choosing bout the enterprise and the risk.

It has been said by speakers on calls that such accounts, whether called non-deposit, off-ledger, or non-traded (a term I just made up) are available out in the world. Chase, one of the likely criminal big banks, has Private Client branches. Can’t go there.

I believe it is true to say that the Good Samaritan Rule is law, in the KJV which outlines our system of commerce. Commerce is fiction and fraud by definition. It has no place in governance. The fiction and fraud MUST STOP if there is harm, until remedy and correction is had. In 1965, the final shoe dropped as all of Americas cities, counties, and states incorporated and thereby participated in the takeover of America by foreign powers. This takeover is beautifully, and as concisely stated as I can imagine, in a book titled AMERICA: SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED, by Anna Maria Reizinger.

The peoples money, declared as such by humanitarian individuals and non-incorporated governance in NOT to be put at risk in the markets, or the local shooting of craps. We find that the peoples money, all across America, has been given to the FED (now unchartered and liened) in the course of stock market investing. Completely unlawful, though possibly legal in the morass of deceitful codes. Hidden in the CAFR in a bald-faced lie, so politicians and media focus on the fiction of budgets, rather that the disposition of the peoples wealth.

I don’t mind putting some of my individual wealth at risk, along with fellow community members, to help our community bank or credit union do some good out in the world of enterprise, AND ABSOLUTELY NO HARM TO THE PLANET BIOSPHERE AND ITS INHABITANTS. I do not know if this discernment is even possible with the investment collections available to small institutions. I don’t mind, if no harm and quality of life is a primary goal, in letting wealth generate more wealth. I must insist that my funds or the peoples funds are not tasked to enterprises and agendas that I despise. Many such are directly harmful, such as GMO, and Pharma vaccine programs.

The Predator society is and must end at this now. Underway this is. Rejoice!

It is a fundament to banking, isn’t it? To keep my funds and my identity with the funds secret and safe. Isn’t it? If I land a large tranche of funds in a deposit account, it is immediately traded. There are different types of money, I can put my equity at risk if I choose because I earned it. Money of account is a different matter. Currently the banks on the street seem unavailable to recognize this truth. At the very least, does it not seem prudent to have a non-traded account to hold funds for further structuring and assignment?

It makes sense to me that an officer of a correctly organized financial house has the possibility to extend the non-traded account solution. It might be outside of the products being marketed to the public. I believe it is in true law and honor to do so. I believe my family and generations, my village, and every waking heart desire that I bring home the cow. Not the beans stalking up the gold.

At least a few of us will storm the world with lawful good sense and funds for restoration and advancement of humanity and nature. I would like very much to find the good people at my local institution will support my mission in honesty, transparency, true law, good sense. It may work, cause the good hearts staffing my group are inquiring.

If it is not too much trouble, enlarging and extending this request might just help. Ask your banking house to be a proper counting house and behave rightly.

I want the lawful and honorable and prudent financial product of a non-traded account!

What needs to happen?



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