America and the world stand on the edge of a new reality, one of peace and joy. This process begun nearly seventy years ago. And now we may say that it is nearing completion. The Ascension process itself, the full integration from 3D to 5D will continue for another thirty to forty years, but the old 3D system itself is ready to collapse and a new one will take its place in an instant. Yes, ‘at a push of a button’. And once again, this will start with America.
Prior to continuing with this message, let us clarify that by saying the Ascension process will continue to unfold for another thirty to forty years, we are NOT saying that it will take Earth that amount of time to Ascend. Ascension is on schedule to occur in three waves. One being the Event(wave) within the year of 2018. Two, another wave of greater light in 2024. The third and final wave being in 2030. This is based on the energy we receive now, this is the highest probability.
In between those timelines, and in those waves, many will ascend, and stay there in 5D. Also many will ascend and choose to come back to help others. Every single soul on planet Earth will have the chance, or we should say many chances to make it to the new world. This is why the process has been so gradual, and as we said it will be in waves. The goal has always been, for as many as possible to make it through.
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