...See prior posts (RMN.CGI/ksavagetexas2...June 2018)..HARVEY DENT's RETURN (video)...CommentsMore2...ref: TDA/SSN+tied2FedReserve Accts/ BirthCert/STRAWMAN/CORP: ...chat-right side HD vid/commenter: TIMOTHY SIES- 1) I tore off the coupon from the bottom of the bill statement Signed the back of the coupon in blue ink, similar to a personal check, certified mail to a physical address to the financial institution. 2) TIMOTHY SIES It's that easy! 3)TIMOTHY SIES I already tried it and did it twice. 4) TIMOTHY SIES To the physical address of the financial institution (business). 5) TIMOTHY SIESThe bank instructed me how to pay with a coupon! 6) TIMOTHY SIES Sent via certified mail 7) TIMOTHY SIESYou got to endorse the back of the coupon in blue ink TIMOTHY SIESPhilemon, Paul said, charge it to me!!! 9) TIMOTHY SIESTitle 18 crimes and criminal procedures subsection 8 obligation and other securities of the United States defined 10) TIMOTHY SIESI been here sense the beginning, block me I don't care I'm trying to help you fool. 11) TIMOTHY SIESSIES matters remember that. 12) Another commenter (Edski GonzalezI used the actt to pay the light bill again...and it went thru..lmao) 13) commenter: (cjohnsonnavMany people had claimed success of transferring fed reserve funds into their bank accounts or had it wired to a pick up stations. But Matt's (Fischer?) transaction is the only one I seen proof of this.) 14) TIMOTHY SIESThe social security number trust account is there so you can coupon the payment because it's all prepaid. 15) TIMOTHY SIESThe social security number trust account is there so you are able to make a payment with an endorsed coupon sent certified mail. Also because the United States left the gold standard. 16) TIMOTHY SIESThe coupon is the same value standing as a federal reserve note or a gold certificate. 17)TIMOTHY SIESAlso "bills" ***I just posted comments for others to research what he/SIES said, if it is true.
I viewed HARVEY DENT's video on Tues/June 5, 2018 around 2-3pm/CDT. Everything happens for a reason. We were meant to 'solve' this enslavement thru knowledge/gnosis/truth. The more you and others (help out)...the faster our enslavement/ignorance ends and the GOLDEN AGE OF GAIA/EARTH commences. Out of the Dark Ages/ignorance into the Light Age/GAOG-Earth. (For the record: Harvey Dent told this 'SIES' (guy/commenter) to send him PROOF he was able to pay his bills/transfer $ into his account, otherwise he would block him from his youtube.com/acct. Folks, we all want the same thing...THE GENUINE truth...no more lies/deception).
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