For a few years now I’ve read CliffR’s rare posts at RumorMill, gone through his website and studied his images of the Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host and his other two books, and planned to buy them one day so that I could sit down with them and properly digest their concepts. Well, I’ve finally ordered the first and, surprisingly recently, found some interviews with Delahhnovahh-Starr Livingstone. What a rare event to find someone who personifies the search for understanding of the meaning and purpose of life in the most expansive and minute contexts possible. Delahhnovahh gives many accounts of his personal experiences of revelation and intuitive synchronicities, as well as comments on current, historical and future events. While some aspects of his work might remind you of Walter Russell, a prophet, or a fascinatingly eccentric UFOlogist, he and his work are one, and unique. Most importantly, Delahnnovahh encourages us to become inspired by the presence of the Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host hiding in plain sight above us, by showing us how to identify them. More and more individuals around the world are already finding Orbs in their photographs, as has Delahhnovahh. He has said that his next book will be about Orbs, which he discusses briefly in at least one of his interviews. As someone who has been having personal experiences of Orbs over the last 10 years or so, I am looking forward to this, and love how things and people are beginning to connect.
A rare opportunity to meet a genuine fellow being who shares the pure joy of enlightenment in an effortlessly entertaining way.
I hope that you find the time to experience one of our local stars …
Delahhnovahh-Starr Livingstone, interviewed by Dr. John Stewart ( ) on - Almost 2 hours long.
"The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega is a revelatory illumination whose purpose is to help you dissolve your Mentallized Illusions of who and what you are, plus your misguided conceptions and understandings of the past. It is also to introduce you to the Great Cosmic plans already in progress which underscores your future. Also, to re-align you back out of your attunement to the planet and back into harmony with the Creators where you should be.
"Earth is at a major pivotal point in its history which will never be repeated again. It is because the Adamic Root Race is finally starting to be lifted out of the third dimension back into the fifth dimension where they belong after three and a half million years in a third dimensional mire.
It is also because Beings of all dispensations have volunteered to come here from all over Creation to help in the raising up of the Adamics.
It is also because Plant Earth is starting to come into its own final run unto a radiant Protostarr in the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty hundred thousand years from now.
It is also because the accumulated lesser condition of people with contaminated consciousnesses resulting from the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus five billion years ago have been gathered together and cast into Earth as the 'Casted Dagon'. Who incarnated as that called the Baby boom.
It is also because the clean up in the aftermath of the Luciferian Rebellion is now occurring throughout the thousand galaxies of the Local Universe which were all that were effected, as that called 'Armageddon'.
It is also because a vast Heavenly Host of Millions upon millions of upper level fifth dimensional Radionnic Ships are in orbit outside Pluto to help in the Clean up.
It is also because the Age of Aquarius has started and the one hundred and forty thousand Energy principles of Galactic Law called 'The Chosen Ones' are starting to become installed in your mass consciousnesses."
You can learn more about Delahnnovahh Starr's most pressing current project at: