The name of Google's GPU ( Graphics processing unit) is named adreno. Google released Chrome in September 2008, and obtained their GPU in 2009 and immediately renamed it to adreno.
Adrenochrome is a legendary drug for the elite involved in occult rituals. Allegedly, children are horribly tortured and traumatized so their bodies produce a lot of adrenaline in their blood. The torturers then murder the children and drink this spiked blood of the children.
Is it real?
Fringe: The Delectable Delights Of Cerebrospinal Fluid
In this week’s episode of Fringe, we have a woman, Valerie Boone, who suffers from a disease that makes her into a vicious cerebrospinal-fluid-drinking sort of vampire. It’s ugly stuff: she dances languidly at a night club, gets picked up by cocky young men, goes home with them, and then snaps their necks so she can drink their CSF. Nummy!
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Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft
They sucked out my brain fluid. What. The. Actual. F*ck.
9:25 PM - 6 Jul 2018
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
They took it through my nasal cavity, the roof of my mouth, the back of my head at C-1, the C/T junction of my spine, L-4, above the SI plate, & I think through the hip. @Cronsell & I just checked. We both have physical markings & scar tissue consistent with this CSF withdrawal.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
Chris remembered being extubated through the nose after kidney surgery. Once we figured out the CSF connection w/ adrenaline, we realized the truth. Then, looking back at all of my "headaches" & other symptoms, it came into focus for me & my body started to speak up. So difficult
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
They would take it during surgery while I was under general anesthesia for other things, too. For the last couple of days, my body has been remembering what it felt like. I now fully understand SEVERAL memories that were previously mysterious/inexplicable. It makes it all clear.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
No one should ever have to face something like this. No one with consciousness & free will should be made to endure what @cronsell & I did. No one alive should be made to sacrifice life itself so that others may unnaturally just not die, as they SHOULD due to the OWN BEHAVIOR.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
My mother would say BLATANT LIES like "I hate to see you so sick" and "It just breaks my heart to see you suffer like this." The last thing she said to me the night before I fled (without her foreknowledge) was "I'm so sorry you have to go through this." Um, NO. I don't HAVE to.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
This was all while I was sleeping in her house with just her & her husband in the house. I was SO SEVERELY SICK at her house. I once said to Chris "I always vomit at my mom's house." I rationalized it was allergies or bad cooking. Now I know it was DRUGS & CSF DEPLETION. A$$HOLE$
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Christopher Cronsell
Christopher Cronsell@cronsell
Read the article sure, but then read the comments. From 2009 people. Future proves past. Cannibalism exists in the form of CSF transfusions.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 6
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Candace
From my limited knowledge these people have no adrenal function so they use others CSF fluid to regulate their organs which would shut down without the CSF fluid. They are like the walking dead, complete shells nothing.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 7
Note, the reason they take the CSF instead of just the chemical laden blood, is because the victim's body has already converted the adrenaline into something that can and has already passed the blood-brain barrier. Easier uptake by the thief that way.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 7
Now it makes sense why they treated me like a pet. They tried to 'make up for it' with gifts & a stellar education & the fake love/affection that a narcissistic parasite is capable of. Just enough to keep me attached & oblivious. They grew me to leech off of my bodily fluids.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 7
I spent 20yrs in therapy trying to figure out why I seemed to rank lower than the actual pets in the house in terms of respect, care, or attention. They mock me & call it "middle child syndrome" to ridicule me away from the TRUTH. These people are EVIL!!
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 7
Someone just asked "Are they human?" Y'all know how adamant I am about this, that it's just people doing subhuman sh*t to other people. I resist false alien/spirit narratives to keep it in the realm of 3D reality. But I was wrong. They are no longer human. They are something else
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 7
They're dead. They are moving bodies acting on chemical and electrical impulse with extremely, unnaturally high intellect and ZERO emotional response within the body to avert them from doing quite literally anything they think they can get away with. They are not human anymore.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 7
They may have literally already died & were 'resurrected' by the cult, which is why they say they are "Born Again" (my parents were hiding as born again Christians in San Francisco when I was conceived/born). They have a choice - die forever or live as the undead with "Family"
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 8
CSF dependent hivites are at high risk of death if they become overly stressed or excited, unless they ingest someone else's adrenaline. Thus, #theGreatAwakening is literally killing them. The stress of it is setting off self destruct biological processes in their bodies.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 8
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Christopher Cronsell
Christopher Cronsell@cronsell
This is the unavoidable truth. We live among a culture who feeds off of us. CSF is being sapped out of us for the elite few. Deceivers throughout time. Cannibals. Pharoahs. Aztecs. The Queen of England. The Vatican. DC. It's everywhere but only 6-7% of the population. Elites. …
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 8
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Christopher Cronsell
Christopher Cronsell@cronsell
It's all about CSF. It would be easy to put a suggestable human into an altered state, quickly drain through the sinus into the cranium near the frontal lobe (3rd eye) with a flexible tube, and send them home before anyone noticed provided enough complicity, skill, and privacy.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Jul 9
Terms like "Liquid Gold" & "Sweet Nectar of Life" (aka "Manna from Heaven") suddenly make me think of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) harvesting. Perhaps this is what has always been meant by these terms - the siphoning of CSF from victims like me. It sure would make a lot of sense...
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