Posted By: Sophie Date: Saturday, 8-September-2018 09:44:40 .
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft
God hid the cannibal's punishment within the cannibal's body. It will self destruct if it does not continue to feed on humans
3:06 PM - 3 Sep 2018
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
Can animal blood sustain them in anyway?
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
Not part of thwir rituals. Must be human must be fresh must be young. Prime example: the movie "Death Becomes Her"
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
Adrenochrome of Drencrom The drug of choice for Hollywood and Government Elites
Harvested from the Human Body Specifically Infants
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Sarah Ruth Ashcraft
Andrenochrome is only one part of this, the thing they entice others with. The addiction is more fundamental.
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
Why do they start this in the first place? Is it the rituals they do that gets them hooked on it cuz they can’t go back?
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
Deliberate deadening of the body's adrenal function through torture over time primes the person. Once they ingest CSF it blasts out the rest of their production centers and they will die if they don't steal things from others after that. Self perpetuating system through families.
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
Dont forget the "Walnut Sauce" (cunumption of the Petuetary glanda) after the body is drained.
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
They wanted late term abortions for easy access.
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
Thats the Eugenics program. Their all into it. I read somewhere that she is a descendant of Vlad Dracule who is documented to have done thw same thing. Hence vampirism in movies n stories. The whole concept is taken straight out of theor family's history of cannibalism
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
Eugenics is about them eating babies. It was for supply.
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
This is what they do with the leftovers .
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
Why do you think they have a menu of kids of diff ethnicities. Does it make some kind of diff or just pure disrespect?
. .
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
From what iv researched the blacks are a hot commodity. Dont have enough charactors to give you the whole explanation lol. Thwy want new born if they can swing it. Thwy even have breeders that just have babies for them when they need it smh
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
That’s why eugenics targeted black people cuz they needed those babies.
Truth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
Oh yeah..... Meet Margaret Sanger
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