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What Will 2015 Bring?

Posted By: freeman4
Date: Thursday, 1-January-2015 12:40:49

What Will 2015 Bring?

By Leo Holley
Could it be that Obama is now pushing forward to finish the agenda that he has been striving for? Is his system unraveling and is he in serious trouble or is this just a smoke screen before more of his agenda is revealed? I believe that we are now entering the “Last Curtain Call for America” and what we are about to witness is going to be just some of the political out cry before everything escalates to the final push on what they will accomplish .
Politics, politics and more politics is what we get if we want it or not. But some love it and that is what they look for in hope's it will pull us out of this mess we are in. No matter what News channel is giving News, it is all about what this one or what that one can do if they were in office.

The truth of the matter is that most public officials in High office are on the same wave length and they are intertwined in each others arms. Like a brother hood, all for one agenda. This has been proven down through time. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors in the White house. Spirit essence are moving in our Government and they will become stronger and stronger.

But God said He would inform us of such things and He has. Lucifer was once a Guardian Angle until he decided he wanting to be where Yahweh was, on His Throne. So with this in mind he tried to overtake God and as that did not work he was kicked out of Heaven and was cast to the Earth. The first encounter in the Earth was in the Garden of Eden and we know the story from their. That was the beginning of the fall of Man kind.

We know that man became so wicked that God had to destroy man through the Flood. Still that did not stop Satan and His agenda and that Agenda is still his goal, total World control and that he will have for 3 1/2 years. That time period may not to far away but many are not being informed of this and it is because of the truth not being given today because false teachers are in abundance.

Matt. 7:
15.“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
16.You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?

Let us look at what is meant by being false false. There are many Church origination's in this World and our Nation. Some of those origination's are of a complete satanic state. What I mean by that is they have no truth of or about God at all, completely engulfed in Paganism. And yet there are others who have what I may call half truths.

Let me explain, some teach God / Jesus Christ as the only way to obtain salvation and they preach grace. Others may teach the same but discourage their congregation from attending other Churches when in essence they teach the same thing. That is what I call partial truth. Where they stop is, they do not understand the Laws of God and say they have been done away with. This is what I call partial truth. But is is still false teaching.

What we have to remember is many of us were the same way until God had opened our mind to His true Knowledge. We observed Christmas, Easter and many more. Most individuals looked forward to those times, New cloths for Easter and many gifts at Christmas.

But then something happened, a bomb was dropped, something snapped. We were not suppose to be keeping those times and boy when we begin to stop, our relatives thought we had lost our ever loving mind. Do we remember?

Within our selves we did not find out the truth on our own. We begin to notice what someone may have said or written on this matter. As this occurred Yahweh's Spirit begin to work with and through us and we searched and studied and ask for guidance and was given His truth. That is the way it worked.

That is the same way it will work for others who do not yet see the truth. They will read about it and see it because of what is presented. Many are used as God's messengers for these end times.

So let us be like sheep and not wolves in presenting God's truth. So much has to be done and it is up to us to do this.



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