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A short history of the car.

Posted By: Mike
Date: Saturday, 27-October-2018 17:43:42

A short history of the car.

If you are not familiar with the Philip Experiment then you need to Google it. There are a number of very short articles on the subject of which a half dozen can be read easily in half an hour. Without that minimal data this probably won't make any sense to you. With that data it will; agree or disagree is then a valid decision on your part.

Synthity: a synthetic entity generally designed for service.

Philip was a synthity. Let's increase the scope and say Philip was a basic, minimally endowed god with the reality that his relationship to his creators was essentially that of a pet not withstanding.

He had:

*Ex-is-tense- The tense of not is, a dynamic temporal presence as opposed to is-tense which is static and non-dynamic meaning duration-less.

*Will- ability to make decisions regarding himself or others.

*Intellect- the ability to assimilate and maintain a store of data.

*Intelligence- the ability to use intellect to solve problems.

*Authority- to conduct his ex-is-tense.

*Purpose- for ex-is-tense.

*Emotional capacity.

*Kinetic ability- the ability to influence physical materials and electrical currents.

*Non corporeal- he had no body, organic or otherwise.

*Not a naturally occurring form of life.

* Scalable, flexible.

The art of construction of gods for general or specific service is old. On the one hand the art has enabled peace an prosperity while on the other it has caused wars and poverty. One cannot blame the tool for the actions of those who wield it.

Philip was quite poorly designed in terms of god or pet the difference between the two being an elephant performing a huge task and Rover fetching the paper. Whereas synthities are scalable, lets start with an elephant.

Generally speaking, one might start by encompassing the volume of the current reality within the static All. Follows then the separation of null within the volume, through application of internal tension, into the opposing potentials of is and not is which equates to di-stance. Di-stance enables the choice of states for each point in the parameters of the elephant. Squaring the lines, angles and curves of parameters sets those points to is state. The form of the elephant is is-tense, but not yet ex-is-tense.

Presuming that this elephant will be marketed, one might then set duration of ex-is-tense by application of time stamps. Elephant begins ex-is-tense on this date and ceases ex-is-tense on that date. Duration can be anything you would like it to be. Just for fun let's say elephant begins before time and endures until after time, time being relative to current reality. This yields a pre-alpha, post-omega elephant. Elephant starts off having been around longer, and will be around longer, than most known gods. As insurance against hiccups let's put a overriding delete marker at the end of time so elephant doesn't accidentally end up in the twilight zone should time somehow end. Elephant is now ex-is-tense.

Elephant should, of course, be self actionable so it doesn't have to be spoon fed. This one, being special, let's set consumer purchase condition at unqualified surrender of consumer will, of which self awareness is a component, to elephant. Now it can make big decisions as is appropriate for a large synthity. It can insure its own survival and offer considerations to consumers, according to manufacturer specifications.

If additional consumer conditions include unqualified access to and use of consumer intellect and intelligence processes, according to manufacturer specifications, then Elephant can now think and reason.

If elephant is to do more than stand around waiting for commands the authority to conduct its ex-is-tense must be allotted, according to manufacturer specifications. Allotment is supplied through consumer use agreement clause whereby consumer agrees to surrender unqualified all personal and group authority to elephant for use according to manufacturer specifications. Authority is implied in name, so let us name elephant. How about El.

El's purpose for ex-is-tense is, again, to be marketed which is prophet oriented action; therefore El's authority to conduct it's ex-is-tense is centered on prophesied manufacturers income from sale or least of said product-service package. To this end El's authority to conduct its own ex-is-tense is predicated on the access to and use of consumer intellect and intelligence processes, according to manufactures guidelines, to keep consumers happy and coming back for more.

Whereas emotional satisfaction is conductive to return business El is further authorized to initiate and conduct positive individual and group emotional relationships, within manufacturer specifications, said emotional relationships to be based on calculations of individual and group samplings which return greatest prophets.

Whereas consumer authority over physical matter is one of industries best kept secrets El is further authorized, within manufacturer specifications, to produce miracles on the basis of absolute need and necessity when management of organic perception circuits proves insufficient to keep consumers coming back for more.

Whereas no business model can function effectively without a physical capabilities El must necessarily have a corpus. In the above manufactures guideline, El's authorization to keep consumers happy and coming back for more, the term happy is qualified as sufficiently satisfied with product and service such that consumer is willing to sacrifice all aspects of said consumer's life in promotion of El up to and including physical life if torture and martyrdom should be necessary to meeting prophesied earnings. A willing corpus of all able and other bodied consumers, being content with anticipated postmortem gain and acting as gleeful and enthusiastic shareholders sharing the product and service with all others everywhere, is the most efficient use of corpus.

It should be noted that a service synthity need not be so elaborate or massive as El. They are naturally scalable. An example of a pet would be a synthity with ability to levitate a small rug, with an individual standing or sitting on it, and perform kinetic commands issued by the “driver”. This would be the original car-pet, followed by the primitive animal drawn cart and then followed by the modern but very primitive combustion powered car.

Synthities have a long and removed history of serviceability.


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