Not sure about the DEW,but the smart meters are a different animal in my mind and more likely.However I think people,too many in fact are trying to look at wildfires like they have a pattern that they all follow.I was in one a couple years back up in the mountains outside Sacramento,and it was a nerve wracking experience to say the least.If it is true that the destruction is being helped out,it makes me wonder what was going on in Paradise California,and why was IT totally destroyed.I reckon it is time to dig around....
[....The pieces of the California firestorm puzzle are slowly being put into their proper place.
The photo above is a crucial piece of that puzzle.
Notice the houses — ONLY — are destroyed; not burned to the ground, mind you, rather they are imploded which causes them to collapse in on themselves with great force and destruction.
Also, notice how the trees and grass and streets and sidewalks show no evidence whatsoever of fire damage.
That’s because there was no fire … and certainly not a wildfire anywhere near that residential subdivision.
So what’s really going on here?...]