A few years ago I went through a values conflict where I had to make a decision. At the time I was being regularly posted at Whatreallyhappens and Rense. Previously I had also been featured at a number of high profile sites on the internet. During this period it was not unusual for me to get tens of thousands of visitors for every posting. Now I am at a few thousand. Of course, that is probably the core group that actually read the commentaries, got the commentaries and were in spiritual agreement with me, concerning the existence of a divine being- luminous entities and a supernal hierarchy. I didn't lose anything that was there in the first place.
In order to remain at these sites, I had to tailor my work to fit the criteria for being linked. The webmaster for the two mentioned news gathering sites, consisted of a virulent atheist and a new age afficianado who was the lead singer for what might be metaphorically termed ' an information highway hair band'. I mean no criticisms of either in the statements just given. They are accurate and possibly understated. In all cases, personal vanity triumphed over the necessity for humility in truth telling and recognition of being a servant of the mass of seekers. It was preferential to maintaining a kind of Star Power that put their name brand on the product being proffered; like Jimmy Dean Sausage, as opposed to a corporate titling, like Hormel (even if there had been a Johnny Hormel somewhere.) It all got personalized. It's like when Geraldo Rivera sets himself up as the central feature of a production where the program guests are reduced to secondary importance. Bill Maher does this, as did Barbara Walters and others. All of these venues are platforms for self aggrandizement or self diminishment in the face of a more important reality.
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