To add to David Wilcock's reveal and discussion on the Alpha Centaurians or who some have labeled (or miss-labeled) as the all encompassing "Tall Whites".
Several ET races have been thrown into the same category a.) because they are tall, and b.) because their skin is light.
I have seen narratives where Tall Whites are described as being more like "tall greys" which I believe do exist, and are in cahoots with certain governments as well as living in DUMBS. However, these are NOT the ones I am discussing here.
Some may find the following to be outlandish, whilst to others it is "just another Tuesday", but I like to back up David's material when appropo.
I have been contacted by a male Centaurian who was extremely muscular several times. This ET was wearing a skin tight and very colorful one piece neoprene type outfit and was NOT trying to portray himself as being human or in some sort of disguise.
He has always sat down the whole time we communicate so as not to tower over me. He has dyed his hair platinum blonde and kind of reminds me of an X man who is very agile and serene even though his appearance emotes strength.
They are a very straight forward race and love to look you in the eyes and tell you what is up telepathically. My nature is the same and perhaps they feel they can relate.
I too have the ability to sit on information for years, but I did put a snippet of this experience as well as my experience with the Giant spheres on Divine Cosmos and a couple other websites several years ago which can be found in the archives, which David always saves, knowing that someday in the future can be used for validation.
I always like to reiterate where I can or when it seems to be the appropriate timing. I have also urged others to come forward with their experiences as a way to break in those who are on the fence about all this because soon, many announcements are going to be made and ET races will be introduced via certain media outlets.
David mentioned there is a town where they also live in Nevada. It is the town of Tonopah where they receive protection from Edwards Air Force base located right next to it. There was also at one time a Tonopah Air Force base and these ET's have been there a while.
From Tonoapah, the Alpha Centaurians can travel either direction to gamble in Las Vegas or Reno because it is about halfway in between. This town was one of the first gaming towns in Nevada and the Centaurians grew to love gambling over the years. The town is at a high elevation and that keeps a lot of people from moving there because of the winters. The ET's can get underground at any time they wish.
I will also tell you this: Hugh Brader, physicist and also inventor of the neoprene wetsuit, which helped to revolutionize scuba diving is from there and most likely received his wetsuit design and materials from the Centaurians because that is what they wear naturally as I described above.
These gentle ET's have made many comments to some of the military how barbaric they are, especially the treatment by the men of the women in the military. They would never mistreat their women or harm them in any way. The Air Force flight testing units have gained much from them and some of it has been passed on to us commercially however most is used by SSP to get to the Moon and Mars bases in just minutes.
As for the many who perished in Paradise, CA during the despicable satanic sacrifice by pulverizing humans as they tried to escape in their cars and whatever means they used for the destruction of the ET's, I just have to say...
What a loss for our fellow humans and our fellow ET friends who have done NOTHING to harm us but have been used for the technologies they willingly gave.
God protect us and all who are good no matter where we/they are from!