The level of deception to which the human race has been subject to is today, so vast and all-encompassing in its scale that it can barely even be measured. We now live in a world of political correctness, where expressing real feelings, or saying anything where anyone may become even the slightest bit offended, is frowned upon. Yet all around us our air is hardly fit to breathe, our food is hardly fit to eat, our health systems sell sickness, our education systems misinform, our money systems promote debt, our peace policies promote war, our media delivers lies, our water has deteriorated to the point that we buy it in bottles that themselves are full of chemicals and our children are taught - before they are even able even able to think clearly that perhaps they may feel better about things if they were a member of the opposite sex... just don't speak about any of it in case you make someone else feel uncomfortable. And so people just accept it and virtually no-one ever says anything for fear of what others may think about them.
In considering this condition, perhaps the most sobering aspect of it is the fact that this entire situation has all come about due to the actions of Government. People may balk at that and say, no it's our fault, the fault of society and though that is true to an extent, more realistically, it has all come to pass simply because it has been legislated to be that way. Those elected in good faith and placed in positions of trust to ensure a safe and viable future for the people of their nations; those whom were entrusted with preserving the well being and security of those people; politicians who were employed and trusted to keep the populace safe and informed... All whom have done precisely the opposite of what the people believed they were employing them to do...
As a result of this misplaced trust, modern society is far more programmed than informed and quite frankly, is today, more in a state of clear and present danger than most people can readily fathom.
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