Posted By: Mike Date: Wednesday, 2-January-2019 16:19:02
A long time ago the Holy Sea issued a pronouncement to the effect that a Believer could simply claim the land of a heathen and own it. That simple.
When the Representative of the Holy Sea stepped off of the ship with Columbus the entire continent of North America was submerged under the Corporate Maritime Law of the Holy Sea. Faster than you can say Atlantis. It was DONE.
The new Republic was founded on Water. Efforts were made to raise the land but on or about eighteen seventy five the Republic was drowned under the waters of the Corporate Holy Sea.
Indictments (if they are in fact real) cannot be prosecuted under Republic Law because there is no Republic Law.
Any penalty administered will have the appearance of Republic Law but cannot be Republic Law.
The Captain(s) of the U.S. Corporate vessel will administer "discipline" to "convicted" Corporate officials according to the Captain(s) discretion and with regard to appeasing the restless ghosts of sovereign citizenry by illusion of justice.