You have, of course, heard about Fake News. All of the critical news, which has to do with political information, religions, social and cultural issues, certainly this applies to metaphysics and all speculations that deal with, 'what lies beyond' or the unseen within. Fake News is that which is generated intentionally to deceive, in order that those with particular material ambitions for obscene wealth and power, can perpetuate in their criminal behavior. There is also another form of fanciful truth and those are generated by scientists and academics and have to do with theories generated by 'informed and educated' observations, based on presumptions about how things are and how things work in the natural world; long since rendered unnatural.
Those promoting and disseminating Fake and False news at a wider reach, are nearly exclusively members of a small demographic of life forms and their deluded sycophants, who also control and regulate world finances, the various theaters (is that some kind of double entendre?) of entertainment; of course that would include mass media, which might be called entertainment, if it were entertaining and there is also the control of the type of messages, generated in the arts, where actual muses might be involved. The only messages permitted these days are either petroleum based, cotton candy derivatives, or vile commentary on the feminine aspect, with an unhealthy dose of violence and general depravity. This is ALL intentional. Basically the ineffable wants to see if you have what it takes to rise out of the murk and soar, like you have never done before. This is why the darkness is permitted to proliferate; or you could demonstrate whether you have what it takes to be cannon fodder for Today's Army.
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