"The tribes of Danu were a divine people of Light and Goodness, Light against Darkness, Good against Evil, and represent the Celtic reverence for science, poetry, and artistic skill. It was they who really established and contributed the highest character traits and genes to the future generations of Celts and all their great heritage, mystic Irish lore and magic that is Ireland, we owe to our distant forebears the Tuatha De Danann. Their spirit lives deep within all the Celtic people even though the Celts may not always be living upon their homeland of Ireland, the spirit of the Danu is ever within them. The Celtic Irish are some of the most poetic, musical and happiest people on earth even though they have been the bearers of centuries of extreme hardships. When roused to battle there is no match on earth that can stand in their way. The Romans found that out the hard way, and many nations through history have recruited the Celts to help them win their wars. Standish O'Grady, who wrote the book "Critical History of Ireland", stated: "The underlying idea of all this class of legend, is that if men cannot master war, war will master them; and that those who aspired to the Ard-Rieship (High Kingship) of all Erin must have the war-gods on their side." It was actually Macha, one of the wives of the Danann King Nuada who by breeding with the king intermingled his divine blood of the Tuatha De Danann into the human genes of the Celts. We have her also to thank for making it possible in establishing that trademark uniqueness of spirit, wit and intelligence that has become so characteristic among the Irish people. Take a close look into the glint of the eyes of the Irish folk, and you will see a faint distant sparkle of the Tuatha De Danann. The magic of a people from a magic land, for when Irish eyes are smiling, they will steal your heart away!"
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