Interesting narrative on the Poser,and those that Posed before him.Way way too much involvement in politics,and never got over Europe calling Her on her power trip.It is the Catholic Church pushing the people south of us here in America toward our border.
[...Pope Pius XII is guilty of bribery and extortion for the purpose of extending crimes against humanity (1917) That Pope Benedict XV did commission and authorize Archbishop Pacelli, then papal nuncio (ambassador) also known later as Pope Pius XII, to Munich, Germany in May 1917 under the diplomatic guise to negotiate a Concordat (Treaty) with largely Protestant Germany. That to assist in negotiating such an agreement, the Pope did authorize the release of approximately 60 cases of Gold (over 1,000 gold bars) representing approximately $80 to $100 million (2006 US equivalent dollars) to travel with Archbishop Pacelli under the pretence of “60 cases of special foods for his delicate stomach”. However, these funds, originally themselves obtained through crime were never intended for the support of failing German government and military, but as funds to support anti-Communist political movements and sympathizers.
Pope Pius is guilty of inciting violence and racial hatred (1919-1958) That Archbishop Pacelli later Pope Pius XII did both write, act and behave in a manner of inciting violence, hatred and suppression of rights of individuals upon the basis of their religious, political and ethnic background including, but not restricted to: all black people, all ethnic Jews, all orthodox Christians and communists/socialists.
Archbishop Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII, displayed not only a bitterness towards these groups, but an open hatred and violent anger consistent with their potential demise and/or suppression. In reporting to the Vatican in 1919 concerning the German socialist revolution, Archbishop Pacelli later Pope Pius XII wrote: “An army of employees were dashing to and fro, giving out orders, waving bits of paper, and in the midst of all this, a gang of young women, of dubious appearance, Jews like all the rest of them, hanging around in all the offices with provocative demeanor and suggestive smiles. The boss of this female gang was Levien’s mistress, a young Russian woman, a Jew and a divorcee, who was in charge. And it was to her that the nunciature was obliged to pay homage in order to proceed. This Levien is a young man, about 30 or 35, also Russian and a Jew. Pale, dirty, with vacant eyes, hoarse voice, vulgar, repulsive, with a face that is both intelligent and sly.”...]
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