I have to apologize beforehand to the readers for the grim content below,there is just no other way to prepare you for what you are about to read.When I was a child I had no say in my baptism and subsequent confirmation into the Roman Catholic church.That said,my parents or the church could not control what I was thinking about what I was seeing the first time I remember seeing the inside of St.Luke's church. Lets just say I did not get a warm and fuzzy feeling about the place. The whole thing reeked of phoniness from the people in the pews(who sured looked bored as hell to me)to the crazy looking old man in his funny looking garb.
Life gave me a break when my parents moved us west in 1971 and the coming storm between myself and my parents over their religion,disappeared when church life became not such a big deal to my dad outside the small town I grew up in.I was thankful to be done with it,but now embarrassed to admit that I failed to study and learn what had creeped me out so much about the church.So I am sort of crunching right now, and not liking at all with what I am finding. Just know that my issue is not with a Catholic person,but with the institution itself and the current person posing as the pope. Americans are not using their intelligence if they think the Vatican looks kindly at us.Who do you is behind the migration north?The same folks who aligned themselves with Marxists in South and Latin America,to save their power base.Again just what church do you think the founding fathers had in mind when they included a separation of Church and State in our Constitution? Who do you think it is behind the UN? Too many thinking secular these days when it comes to history, and you are blinding yourselves to the truth by doing so.The Catholic Church was NEVER about Christ,right from the beginning,but rather power and control.Kind of over blaming everything on the Zionists,yes they have their part,particularly post WW2, but to just assign all trouble,without regarding the KOM and Jesuits,I now understand is to be short sighted.Anyhow the chapters that follow these do not appear to be getting merrier,so I am already wondering who,if any were charged with war crimes.I suspect I am not going to be pleased with my findings...
[The transformation of the Catholic Hierarchy into a de facto Ustashi Hierarchy had a most dreadful significance. It meant that the whole machinery of the Catholic Church in Croatia had been put at the complete disposal of the ruthless individuals determined to make of the new State a compact political and military unit, cemented by the most secure guarantees of the State's indestructibility. Such a policy implied, not only the transformation of the Croatian social, cultural, and political fabric, but also the complete extirpation of whatever was "alien" to Croatian stock and to its national religion. This required the total elimination of whoever was not a Catholic Croat. Not an easy task, as a large portion of the new State was composed of bulky racial-religious groups wholly foreign to Ustashi Catholicism. Out of a population of 6,700,000, in fact, only 3,300,000 were Croats. Of the remainder, 700,000 were Muslims, 45,000 were Jews, followed by sundry smaller minorities. Over 2,000,000 were Orthodox Serbs....]
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