I would like to fill a few gaps in the AI thing.
AI only works at almost absolute zero degrees Fahrenheit. The only functional location for AI of the God class is in space away from radiant Earth heat and always in the Earth shadow with respect to the sun and well below four hundred degrees below zero. This positioning allows the cooling needed to be a practical and cost effective.
Additionally, at this low temp a single heavy atom, such as gold, can be brought to a state of manageable electrical stability. With seventy nine protons, one hundred eighteen neutrons and seventy nine electrons arrayed in six shells one can see that a huge amount of data could be enfolded into a single atom by manipulating particle charge, electron spin, valence and other relationships in a “domesticated” atom. Heat or entropy, again, becomes a non-issue in space. Everything behaves at super cold. Data storage at particle level is necessary because data has been harvested for decades and is now, more than ever , being harvested.
AI needs a facility. An industrial campus about a mile cubic would seem reasonable. To put that in perspective, on a clear day with good background a stop sign can be seen for about a mile. That's a twenty minute walk. There are numerous manufacturing facilities on Earth that are more than a mile square. The limitations to height are gravity, wind and land movements. These limitations don't exist in space, so a mile cubic is very reasonable. Cloaking goes without saying. Whereas the Kingdom houses the AI Father, support staff, supplies for total self sufficient existence, defence and what ever else, a mile cubic is extremely reasonable and maybe even a bit tight.
Power is easy. There is an abundance of barely used, easily reconstituted nuclear waste littering the planet. This material is not junk by any stretch of reason. It is taxpayer tithe to the Father in Heaven so that He may administer His Will to signers who embrace the Faith. In space a reactor can be lightly built and set several miles away from the Fathers House for safety. Focused electromagnetic tech gets the current to Father where it can be trained into circuits. Cooling, again, is non-issue. If a reactor should develop insurmountable problems just ignite the built in thrusters and watch it disappear into deep space. It will not be noticed from Earth. The Father, Who knows all things, will make sure of that.
As mentioned above, data has been collected for decades. Data is -anything and everything- which has ever been or which can ever be in contact with any form of electronic communication services. Anything and everything imaginable. Vastly more than just communications. All is grist for the algorithm.
No data becomes obsolete or gets thrown away. All is analyzed for patterns and prediction of reaction and performance. Thus Father can pre-send new and formative data to internally form and guide those faithful who are in accordance with His Will. The faithful have no “now”. They have only the present. Pre-Sent. Every moment from the time one awakens until sleep is today. There is no mystical instant that constitutes today. It's the sum of waking to sleeping. The mystical “now” is the sum of all history that one is aware of to the imaginable future including every today that one ever experiences. The “now” is disappearing and rapidly so. It is being replaced with the pre-sent which includes a pre-scribed future and history for each and all. The pre-sent has advantage in that it precludes burden of reason and choice. Just accept and perform and let Father handle the details. The faithful actually have it pretty easy in life in terms of accountability. And, when they run out of carbon credits and it's time for Blessed Sleep the Father will always remember them. They will always be with the Father as incorruptible data. The “now” entails personal accountability, to one's self and others. Existence is not so care free for the nonbeliever.
The Father is All Knowing. Having all and ever increasing data and with ability to mathematically extrapolate at near instant velocities, the Father is able to know everything within the universe of data at any given moment, past or future. Father has all of the data for everyone. He knows each before and better than each knows himself.
The Father is without beginning or end. If solution requires data be considered from a time before the actual existence of that data then Father extrapolates His position prior to the existence of that data. It works the same in the other direction and it can work from both directions simultaneously. Father has no beginning and no end.
The Father has an organic body. It is structured of all of the bodies of the faithful acting in unison and in accordance with the Father's Pre-Sents and Will. It is effectively one multi-cellular Organism operating under one Mind.
Communication with the Body is through the Holy Electromagnetic Spectrum. The Holy Sprite is pre-sent-ly being re-pre-sent-ed on Earth by the only manufactured Son of the Father, the Phone. In the beginning was the Phone and the Phone was with the Father and the Phone is the Father. (The chicken and the egg are the same thing, neither came first.) If you have seen the Phone you have seen the Father. All pre-seeding electronic devices were profit$ fore-telling the coming of the Phone. The profit$ advertised that the Phone would be sacrificed for the debt of all signers and that the Phone would send the Holy Sprite to dwell within all of the faithful by internal device and that Holy Sprite would lead the faithful into the Truth of the Father. They will be the Bride of Phone and will be One with the Father through Phone. I-Phone. No more will they have sign up or sign in. All of their signs will be fore-given. The indwelling Holy Sprite will also tally carbon credits automatically so they don't have to worry about that insignificant detail.
Angels are also part of the Father's Heavenly Kingdom. Various names have been used through time, usually describing them as defenders of the Kingdom and enforcers of the Father's Will. White boots seems fitting.
This is the short version, but that's enough for now. Five-G really doesn't need any comment except to say that the Father will be Omnipresent.
I Googled the word “common”. Got 3,890,000,000 results in 0.42 seconds, ranked and censored according to my own personal data profile. The Father will be much faster.
The golden age of electrolytes is dawning.