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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Common Ground Independent Media

Zebra:The True Account of the 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco...Day 62...Day 64

Posted By: oldmaninthedesert
Date: Saturday, 29-June-2019 23:43:54

Continuing with a snip from the current entry of Zebra:The True Account of the 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco.

....."Sure, okay, man, okay," Rims replied, not a little fearfully. He did not want to mess with Skullcap; the man was too dangerous. Besides, Rims liked him and wanted to keep him for a friend. He had never had a friend as smart as Skullcap before; just being with him made Rims feel smarter. "We just keep trying," he had said earlier to placate Skullcap. "We look all night if we has to."

They had been looking for an hour and a half, and now Skullcap was thoroughly irritated and ready to call it all off. "Fuck it," he said angrily. "Fuck the Death Angels! I don't need this kind of shit!"

"Don't say that now, man," Rims implored. "You be okay. We go out again tomorrow night and find you a woman devil. Why, we even find you two! Come on now, man, don't be so pissed. Come on. It be all right. Tomorrow night it be all right."

At that moment they approached the intersection of Grove and Central, and Skullcap saw the young white girl looking for a parking place. "Wait a minute," he said, looking up and down the deserted street. "Maybe it'll be all right tonight still."

In a Cadillac borrowed from a friend, Yellow and Judo were cruising Grove Street looking for Skullcap and Rims.

"The motherfucker promised to have my car back by nine," Yellow said sullenly.

Judo grunted derisively. "You be lucky you ever get the sucker back," he said. "He done have my piece for over three weeks now. Every time I ax him for it, he say he left it at home or some other excuse. I'm getting tired of it, man."

"Wait a minute," Yellow said, peering down Central. "Ain't that my car double-parked up there?"

Judo squinted. "Look like it is."

Yellow swung into the 600 block of Central.

Skullcap had got out of the Dart and let Rims take the wheel. He had walked in the shadows along the sidewalk, scanning the block, while Rims drove along Central and double-parked to wait for him. Now, as the young white girl in the '65 Ford negotiated her parking place, Skullcap walked over to the Dart and checked with Rims.

"Everything look okay to you, brother?"

"Look fine," Rims said, wide-eyed again.

Skullcap gave the block a final cursory look and started across the street. A pair of headlights swung around the corner and came toward him. He paused a beat, considered turning back. Then he recognized the car. He watched it pull into a driveway at 617 Central, just behind where the white girl had parked. In the light of the streetlamp, Skullcap could see that Yellow was driving the Cadillac, and that Judo was sitting next to him. He smiled inwardly. Keep your eyes on me, brothers, he thought. You'll see a star be born.

Angela Roselli saw the black man walking toward her. She decided that he was about to hit on her, try to pick her up, make out with her. Either that or he was going to hassle her because she was a white girl in a predominantly black neighborhood. She and her roommate constantly had to endure dirty looks, muttered comments, even outright open hostility from the black residents who did not appreciate their presence in the neighborhood. They had expected it when they moved in, but due to financial and location considerations, had moved in anyway. After all, it was a free country. They simply rolled with the verbal punches whenever necessary.

Angela was preparing to do just that when the black man in the white Superfly hat and suit walked up to her. She glanced at him, frowned at the zombie look on his face, the fixed, staring eyes as if he were in a trance. When he was several feet from her, he raised a pistol from next to his leg and began shooting at her.

Angela was not immediately aware that she was being shot. The first two reports sounded like firecrackers exploding. The bullets hit her side, her rib cage, her stomach. The third one nicked her spine and her legs gave out. She fell. The fourth bullet, aimed at her head, missed as she dropped; it shattered the window on the driver's side of her car. As she pitched to the ground, she began screaming.....


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