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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Dr. Robin Falcov



Common Ground Independent Media

In Response To: A History Of Type 0 Civilization

Posted By: LucianoDaUno
Date: Thursday, 2-October-2014 16:37:21

REPOST: Transitioning To A Class 1 Civilization (June 28, 2014)

The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of advancement, based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to utilize. If we truly entertain this notion as a measure of our civility, we will never attain the potential to which human beings are entitled as cosmic entities.

Right off the bat, with my own limited knowledge of physics, and my own interactions with the more ethereal entities with which we share the universe, coupled with direct observation of craft that defy explanation in terms of our accepted science, we have already achieved the energy aspect of this criteria in transitioning to a class 1 civilization. If you don't know about America's secret space fleet, and its international agreements of cooperation in that respect, do some research. Google 'solar warden', and note the names associated with its exposure. We've had the technology since the late 50s. Don't wait for official disclosure: start watching the skies.

If I can say anything about the fact that we are presently living in a Class 0 Civilization, it is that we are enslaved by the Masters of Energy that control every aspect of our economies, and through that, our societies. The primitive energy technologies we utilize today are what we've been allowed to accept as the pinnacle of science because we've been kept in the dark.

There's money in energy, and as long as the profits can be reserved to those who control the natural resources we use to fuel this civilization, we will be held back from having the energy freedom that would liberate the global society. The implications here are damning. There is nothing that is produced, transported, and thereafter consumed, that does not involve energy. Take away the cost of energy and you probably reduce the cost of everything by 75% (pure speculation, but realistic nonetheless).

Free energy would end poverty. In conjunction with the artificial intelligence advancements that are equally hidden, and the potential for robotics that would catapult us into Class 1 Civilization status on the Kardashev scale, the hoarding of that knowledge is criminal, at least. I dare say, that to make all of that available to humanity would free us from the bonds of the money changers, and from money itself, and we could begin to develop a global community consensus that would open the doors to education, longevity and cosmic consciousness.

And why not make this a jumping-off point? Humanity is on the brink of embracing fourth density consciousness. This is no fairy tale, as the naysayers wish to have you believe. I doubt those naysayers would be able to get past the first few paragraphs of the Law of One, channeled by an energy collective which simply calls itself Ra. Certainly a good number of readers will be familiar with its existence, if not having actually read the volumes available online for free, or bought the physical books in print.

The alternative for the controllers, off-world and on, to our attaining this freedom, is trans-humanism; turning humanity into a race of cyborgs. And they would be using the same technologies I've already mentioned: artificial intelligence and robotics, with the addition of consciousness transfer. Individuals that choose this route would basically be trapped for an unknown period of time, likely hundreds or thousands of years, and would be manipulated to the purpose of whatever entity was in control.

Kardashev created his scale in 1964, but its most public exposure is likely attributable to popular physicist Michio Kaku, who seems to be parroting the party line when it comes to analyzing our, and theoretically advanced, types of civilization. In a youtube video, he posits that a class 1 civilization would harness its planetary power, control its weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. If we recognize the effect and use of chemtrails, high frequency devices such as HAARP, and scalar devices we can't even imagine, but know they're out there, how far are we really from attaining it?

Class 2 would have already exhausted the energy of their planet, and would harness the energy of its star until they also exhausted that in turn. These seem to me very unadvanced and uncivilized types of civilization; wasteful, in fact. He goes on to describe a class 1 culture that favors elitist views, and throws terrorists into the mix for contrast, opining that they want nothing to do with this transition (and here I thought they were just a CIA contrivance). In his view, the EU is an attempt to introduce a type 1 economy, in that “huge planetary trading blocks are the beginning of a type 1 economy.” And here, again, I thought it was all just part of a larger globalist elite, cornering larger markets.

And how do we identify these elites? They all speak English as a second language, a common language to all of the planet, which will mark our transition into a class 1 civilization. And the cultural icons of the class 1 society will be Arnold Schwarzenegger and Madonna. Now there's a culture we all want to be a part of. Thank you.

Another remark of Kaku's, to which I must take exception, is the idea that we, as a Class 0 civilization, “get our energy from dead plants; oil and coal.” I'll concede the idea that coal is more likely than not the residue of dead plants, but as the Russians long ago proved, and the Gulf of Mexico disaster demonstrated, the Earth is constantly regenerating the petroleum reserves with abiotic oil from deep within the bowels of the planet. If not, someone explain to me how those dead plants were buried 35,000 and more feet beneath the surface. More party-line parroting.

Dr.Michio Kaku Three classes of Civilizations:

I can hardly argue any spiritual disposition that might propel a civilization into the next class, as anecdotal information about other civilizations visiting our planet, and even those who may inhabit the planet alongside us, without our express knowledge, suggests that many may have no spiritual orientation whatsoever. Yet I might argue the proposition that a spiritually advanced culture with the means suggested in the likelihood that we do in fact already possess the technology to travel beyond our terrestrial environs, and perhaps even beyond the solar system, would have already quelled the desire for domination of anyone or anything, such as exhausting one's local star.

So what advanced technologies do we really possess as a civilization, and how would we know if they are being deliberately concealed from our knowledge of them? Dr. Paul A. Laviolette, whom I've mentioned in another article, provides documented evidence from the 1960s that the United States government had been pursuing T. Thompson Brown's work on electrogravitics, patents for which are still available in the public sector. Major corporations had been working in earnest as a consortium on developing this technology until it was suddenly classified under the National Security Act of 1947 (the first NSA).

Electrogravitics and 3 short Laviolette video interview explanations:

Not only does Laviolette offer the documentation of those efforts, but he reveals the application of that technology in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber , and has evidence widely available in the public domain to back it up. If you google electrogravitics, those same diagrams show up several times under the google images link. How T.T. Brown obtained these patents to begin with, in spite of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, is quite simple: they were so far ahead of their time that the patent office failed to recognize them for what they were.

Luke Fortune has made major headway in revealing technologies that would, and likely already do, take humanity off-planet. The latest of his twelve volumes in the UFO How-To series promises information on “Full body teleportation. Wormhole generators. Gravity control. Time displacement. Quantum vortex implosion drives. Warp drive technology. These are not the elements of the latest science fiction movie, no, these are the inventions that people are trying to patent in the United States today.” The previous volumes explore all manner of suppressed advanced energy concepts for anti-gravity craft, many of which are illustrated on his website. http://www.ufohowto.com/index2.htm

But if we consider mastering energy as the basis for judging a civilization's advancement, let's consider human energy as a possible factor. Thousands of years as slaves to an invisible hand has kept the potential of that particular kind of energy strictly limited to its value in physical output for the sake of the profiteers. Where promising minds demonstrate an ability to contribute non-physical output, it is quickly swept up into the privileged organizations that will guard its output with the utmost secrecy. If those minds are uncooperative, they are either killed or ostracized by the scientific communities that would offer them the vehicle for developing their ideas, and contributing to the advancement of societies.

But Brother Michio holds little hope for us, “since we see no evidence of type 1, 2 or 3 anywhere; no evidence whatsoever.” And while he holds little hope that we will ever achieve type 1 (he does use 'type' and 'class' interchangeably), he does advance the idea that once we achieve type 2, we will be immortal. Wow! And I've been foolishly suggesting that we are already infinite beings. Damn! But the scariest concept suggested by Kaku is that we place a self-replicating robot on the moon, let it replicate to the point where it expands across light years in a giant sphere, and eventually discovers higher class civilizations. Anyone seen Stargate SG-1 and the out-of-control replicators?

Finally, our stereotypical mainstream physicist brings up Stanley Kubrick's 2001, A Space Odyssey, suggesting that perhaps the monolith of the opening scenes has been left there by an advanced civilization waiting for us to discover it. And how long before we have an operating base on the moon? Perhaps a hundred years. Are you serious Michio? Are you truly either that ignorant or that willing to sell your reputation over such a ridiculous notion that we really have no moon bases? I'd rather go with John Lear, the only pilot ever to hold every airline certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, and a former CIA pilot. http://thelivingmoon.com/47john_lear/menu.html

So let's get real. We already have the technologies required to make the transition to a class 1 civilization, and they have been withheld from humanity for the sole purpose of keeping us enslaved, and asleep. We are constantly barraged by the distractions that keep us in fear and envy, the class systems that perpetuate the desire to be among the 'haves', and not the 'have nots', the latter of which have been damned by a vengeful god to their place in society. Religions tells us it is so. Uh oh! Did I say religion? Just one more hurdle.

The one final breakthrough leading to the transition to class 1 civilization is a mass awakening on a planetary scale, and if you've dared to read this far, you are likely one of those who will bear the self-declared responsibility to make it happen. For humanity, the transition is necessarily one of raising the frequencies of our energy that has absolutely nothing to do with the Kardashev scale. In the words of Sherry Wilde, it starts with one.

We are all Light of The One


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