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Re: This came into my inbox today.. The Secret Eastern Influence on Magic & the Occult

Posted By: Mike
Date: Thursday, 16-January-2020 13:06:57

In Response To: This came into my inbox today.. The Secret Eastern Influence on Magic & the Occult (Susoni)

Glass Keys

There was an Indian up in the Northeast who traded a large tract of land for a hand full
of glass beads. This seems pretty irrational on the surface, but it wasn't. It was
actually a decision based on shrewd wisdom. The value of currency being proportional to
availability, this was now the wealthiest individual in the entire North American
continent. This Indian knew that these beads were the key to whatever he might desire to achieve. He dreamt of his accomplishments as the ship departed harbour and sailed
past the horizon with hold full of equally valuable trinkets, and more beads, all
destined to be traded at the next stop, and the next and the next...

This Indian was the product of existence in a primitive and savage environment. He knew
very well the arts of subterfuge and treachery necessary to survival under the

capricious whim of nature, but he was no match for the civil craft of the Mari-time
traders come newly to his world. He was his own unwitting conquest.

And so it has been for a very long time, since the Mari-time traders came to this planet with billowing sail framed in complex rigging commanding the winds of gain and fortune
as they crossed the great Mari in which galaxies are but tiny archipelagos. They were
born of their mother Mari and they came as gods offering glass keys to unlock stability
and security and prosperity and all other good things of the Kingdom of the Heavens,
both material and spiritual, to man and he bought it. He, like the Indian of later
times, became his own unwitting conquest time and time again as the sons of Mari
navigated craftily through the ages on currencies of desire and need.

The sons of Mari retained the iron keys to the Kingdom of the Hell for their own
use knowing full well that glass could not withstand the hard force of deceptive mechanism. At present there over four thousand religious keys practiced on the face of the Earth and yet thousands of years of history is marked by turmoil and suffering with only a scant few years of peace. Add to this the number of philosophical keys that have
disgraced the face of the Earth and it becomes evident that the iron keys of Hell have
prevailed and will continue to do so insofar that man seeks external redemption from
what he has been deceived into believing about himself, that he is the inherent agent of his own conquest. He is not. He is simply not naturally devilish as are the sons of Mari.

This deception is a form of dark ma-gic, or more specifically dark ma-nagement of the
mind. The prehistory lore of this planet strongly suggests that man and other native
beings coexisted in societies largely based on magic and sourcing long before the Mari-
time gods arrived. The lore further suggests that the problems within those societies
were no different than the problems of present societies with one difference, that being that there were no off planet efforts to subrogate the minds and wills of the entire population of the Earth and even the Earth itself for spiritual and material commercial gain.

The practice of ma-gic and sourcing, which are natural rights, should have developed to
a very high state by now but that development was impeded by the capture of time by the
sons of Mari. Some twenty seven hundred years ago the accepted Earth solar year was
abruptly changed from three hundred sixty days to three hundred sixty five days. This
change is of absolutely huge importance. Everything in ex-is-tense has its basis in
time. Whoever possesses Earth time controls every relationship of everything concerning
the planet. This change of the year is construed as uncaptained vessel adrift and
therefore subject to -legal- Holy Right of Salva(tion)ge under Mari-TIME LAW.

Time Law can be summed in one word, obey.

The word of a captain at sea is law. Period. Preservation of cargo, ship and crew, in that order, is commercial priority. Timely obedience is law. It doesn't matter what that word might be, it is law. Failure to obey incurs captains penalty. There is no recourse or defense for the one charged.

Under the mountains of law, statute, ordinance, edicts, dogma, doctrine and other such performance codes there is one word. Obey. Preservation of cargo, Earth vessel and crew is commercial priority. Timely obedience is law.

You do not own any time. You are privileged to use time. It can be revoked in part or whole by charge of owner of unacceptable expenditure or use of time. Legal veneer will cover and no one will ever suspect that the offence was against Time Law. The bread and circus will go on with none the wiser.

The early church ornamented itself with pagan symbology and then turned on the practitioners both within and without. The astute went out of sight. The visible paid dearly. The message was clear. The sons of Mari don't like unregulated magic in your hands. It jeopardizes commerce. Cease and desist instantly.

There are two messages in the Christian gospels. A subtle choice is presented.

The obvious is that a man who practiced magic and sourcing as a natural right was crucified to the mast and yard arm of Mari-time commerce. But, yes you can practice this natural right if you so choose and you will also be crucified. If you obey to the sons of Mari you will be graced with civil rights and a measure of liberty.

The less than obvious is that if you choose to become adept at practice of this natural right you can become invisible to Mari-time law. You can walk away through the hostile crowd and not be seen. You are free. Time becomes yours to do with as you choose.

I'm sure you can guess which choice the vast majority will make.

Christ referenced the god of nature who was aware when a single sparrow feel. This was cleverly twisted to seem that the god of nature was the same as the god presented by the sons of Mari. They have to present a valid choice but they don't have to make it morally clear, just "legally" clear.

I apologize for the ramble but there is more to magic and sourcing than just practice. If you can find it publicly available then it's just ten thousand witches, or whatever, trying to depose a president when in fact they couldn't depose a fly. The real adepts operate below the level of the aether. Serious business. I'm coming to the conclusion that the only way to learn this is to work out my own salvage in the presence of love. Maybe that's how it is supposed to be.

Work out my own salvage in the presence of love. Isn't it interesting how that admonition has been malformed into, Let every man work out his own salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord, as if one mistake could cost you everything? Classic, subtle misdirect causing one to lean toward let the god of the sons of Mari save me because I'm afraid that I might be damned if I miss the target.

In all fairness the sons of Mari are damned good at what they do.

For what it might be worth.


: Howdy Mike and Para..

: This newsletter came into my (RumorMail)inbox today.
: Coincidence?? :-))

: Best,
: Lynda

: ******************

: The Secret Eastern Influence on Magic & the Occult

: by Miguel Conner |

: HP Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, and other esoteric exemplars
: were instrumental in infusing eastern mysticism into
: western culture – in ways that are still overlooked today.
: Beyond a deep dive in connecting these karmic dots, we find
: the parallels between Gnosticism and Buddhism/Hinduism. And
: ultimately discover how a reintegration of eastern and
: western thought can help the fragmented psyche of our
: current society.

: Astral Guest – Tobias Churton, author of Aleister Crowley in
: India.

: The interview begins at about 15 mins

: If the above doesn't embed go here to listen..

: https://thegodabovegod.com/the-secret-eastern-influence-on-magic-the-occult/


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