Ya know, some people are treated quite well when young, and they turn out to be disasters. Some are treated horribly, and they turn out great. What did we programme ourselves to be, before we were born? Some are heroes, some are villains, most are none of the above; and apparently most programmed themselves to stay asleep in the blue pill bliss. . .which will last until reality bites their nose off, so to speak.
EVERYTHING is part of Source. Good, bad, indifferent. I don't think anything is soulless. Everything is composed of the same thing. Atoms. Some vibrate at a faster rate, and this makes some compositions more mobile than others. Everything has equal value in the Cosmic Scheme of things, but I'm still gonna drop tapeworms and bedbugs in isopropyl alcohol if I ever see them again. After all, this is Planet Earth, and though it is part of the Cosmic Scheme of things, it's not the Cosmic Scheme of things in and of itself. A self-imposed prison. . .the greatest lesson in frustration in existence, and the most disgusting realm there is, as far as I'm concerned; unless you're a fan of effluvia and worse.
But at least there's a bright side. I gotta 'die' some day, or rather transit to a far superior realm that I find way more agreeable since there is no 'death' so to speak. And if my sources are correct that should be definitely in less than three years, and less than six months if I'm lucky and I interpret a 'mystic experience' correctly.