She is known as Kannon-Bosatsu in one tradition, as Harmonia in another and in other icons, this quality is part of the portfolio of several goddesses, known for other virtues as well. In whomever it appears, I imagine it is considered to be the more powerful weapon in their arsenal. Now... why did I refer to it as a weapon? (Compassion, ((according to Lao Tzu)) is considered to be a weapon from the sky against being dead.) So... Harmony, which in my estimation is disarming, to say the least, could well qualify as a weapon, if it causes others to put their own weapons down.
I tend to see life in terms of the Bhagavad Gita and I think of myself as a warrior. Harmony is one of my weapons of choice. There are no greater weapons or shields than the qualities of God, which in the aggregate sense, amount to The Full Armor of God. Due to the tsunami of false information AND the press of appearances; never greater than in Time of Material Darkness, when technology is in the ascendant, the hoi poloi, salt of the Earth (with lost savor) is in a state of perpetual befuddlement. Given the force of ATTRACTION on the one side and FEAR on the other, as the carrot and stick archetypes of the age, there isn't much anyone can say that will get heard through the noise. You have to really want to hear it and most people don't... YET. They will, however, they will.
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