There is more than one Petri Dish. One of them contains the mucoid slithers of the material world. It is a sticky substance and it will stick to you if you let it. Love is what dissolves the adhesive nature of it when one is securely adhered to Love alone. Another Petri Dish is the one filled with reflected true light.
There has been more than one spiritual messenger, as there has been more than one spiritual message. Buddha taught us the wisdom of nonattachment. Christ taught us the beauty of sacrifice. Mohammad taught us is the quality of Brotherhood. Krishna taught us the value of Dharma. There have been more and all of them were the product of a love that passes all understanding and all of them were an expression of Love and all of them came from The Sun.
All capability of movement comes from The Sun. This is a truth of physics, should you be inclined to comprehend that. The Sun is responsible for all of our weather, both without and within and the nature of the weather within is based solely on our surrender or resistance. We ourselves are the battlefield of life upon which four elements war because they are not harmonized with the principle that unifies them. Until we have addressed our problem with our internal elements we cannot proceed spiritually. Matter in its essence is of the finest substance and comes from God. As it descends it becomes grosser and grosser in composition.
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