As we await the coming Earth Trembles on the further coast, let us turn our attention to another matter that is a puzzle indeed. We ALL KNOW that George Soros is PROMOTING AND FUNDING all of the Antifa and BLM associated violence in The United States. We know that there have been news announcements concerning various investigations to discover WHO is financing these organizations. We have seen and heard mainstream media, dance around the essential truth of the matter. We also KNOW that he is one of the principal forces and sponsors of the migrant invasion of Europe that continues to do incalculable harm to Western Europe. We KNOW that Soros is the Frontman for the Rothschild Cartel. We KNOW all of this and other things as well.
WHY... WHY??? Why is it so difficult to SAY HIS NAME out-loud and on the air? He is the number one IDENTIFIABLE Scourge of Humanity, upon all that, is decent and orderly. What other conclusion are we left with than that this DEMON runs on HEAVY HEAVY FUEL? Since all those, with something to lose, demonstrate their cowardice and simpering genuflections to the Prince of Darkness EVERY DAY; let us, who none of them pay any attention to and who are blocked out of all mainstream currents of ACCESS and PRESENCE at this time, SAY HIS NAME!!!
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