"There are three known groups of pirates attempting to commandeer our Ship of State."
To describe America as a "Ship of State" (corporate owned vessel) is to acknowledge that the land (Law of the Land) is submerged, drowned under Maritime Law (water).
The entire face of the Earth (vessel forced into dereliction by five day change in yearly course on or about 701 B.C.) is, in fact, submerged, drowned under Maritime Law (water).
This is exactly what is described in Genesis One. "In the beginning was the Earth and the Earth (Law of Land, the Lands) became (jurisdictionally) null and void (corrupted). The waters above (Interstellar Maritime Law) were mingled (mixed, corrupted) with the waters below (Earth Maritime Law) and the land (Law of Land, the Lands) was submerged, drowned.
At some point what appears to have been a superior, external authority reset the corruption so that these three separate jurisdictions were disentangled and each assigned it's proper place.
The Earth is now at Genesis One again.
There are two possible outcomes. The first is a reset whereby jurisdictions are disentangled and assigned each it's proper place by a superior authority as in Genesis One. Information about who or what this superior authority is is lacking. This renders Demand at Law of Rights Due unworkable, at least for the present. (It is somewhat interesting that the word ask in "Ask and you shall receive." literally means "a -demand- of rights due".
The second outcome is that America and the Earth is subjugated, incorporated into Interstellar Maritime Law. This is plainly described in the latter part of George Washington's Masonic vision where sovereign individuals bend knee and surrender their sovereignty to Union crowned by an angel(?).
The crown is kingship (king of ship),a position of maritime authority "let down from the heavens" (the Deep, the interstellar sea) long ago by the "gods" of commerce. The surrender of individual sovereignty makes men and women of America, and the Earth, nothing more than items to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the interstellar maritime corporate creature. The union ceases to be a serving fiction and becomes a Ruling Fiction. It has no conscience.
About two thousand years ago remedy to the present situation was offered. A half breed messenger walked on water (Law of Land, lawful standing above corporate maritime law) and he calmed the seas by command (Authority over corporate maritime law). The tribe to whom he was sent preferred material power and wealth. They promptly had the half breed nailed to the mast and yard of the Imperial Commercial Vessel thereby (unwittingly) releasing the remedy to the rest of the Earth. The rest of the Earth failed to act timely, because men fear what they might do with authority if not constrained by possibility of penalty (live under law instead of having law within themselves), and the remedy was captured and perverted into a form not remotely resembling the original.
The answer to the jurisdictional dilemma in which we are captive will not be found in libraries of law or walls of books or in the opinions of experts and scholars. There is no magic in these things to make the lame to walk and to make the blind to see. The answer will be found in the larger picture, the larger reality within each of us, if we dare not fear ourselves. It may be that whatever Authority
effected the reset of Genesis One expects us to walk and to see on our own.