This morning I went outside to do my ritual of meditation and prayer and that hawk was there on the fence, directly across from where I sit. After a bit, he took off. As I finalized my meditation and opened my eyes, he had returned and remained on the fence a bit further down. This time he was there for a while and my coming and going did not seem to disturb him, though he was aware of me and would rotate his head to give me a look. He was facing outward. I don't know what it means. Hawks were considered, in earlier times, messengers from the Gods.
Just before my friend, Kenny O'Brien died, he told me he wanted to come back as a hawk. A few days after, I was on the property. His parents had asked me to live there and watch over it. I went walking in the meadow and a hawk came out of the trees and flew past me. I got those invisible trembles that occur when something more than you can experience through the senses is taking place.
Since I felt that this appearance today was a sign, due to other events that took place just before and after, I went to the search engine and visited half a dozen sites having to do with the meaning of hawk appearances. I am posting ONLY those points that were presented multiple times-
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