I have been pondering a specific concern. It is a concern shared by ALL OF US. The only ones not sharing this concern are the ones who don't have this concern; the few. ALL OF US, whether consciously or subconsciously, are trying to address this concern one way or another. It is the thing that gets between us and SERENITY... or... FULFILLMENT... or... there are many different words that we use, according to whatever it is we are after, that is denied us. For those seeking a remedy to some material gain, I can't help you. Seeking any kind of material gain is a larger part of the problem. The good news, or bad news, depending on whether you have acquired this material concern or not, is that YOU WILL GET IT but it will NOT make you happy. That is the good news and the bad news.
I am not here to tell you not to enjoy material life. I am here to share what I have been taught about how to enjoy material life and not become enslaved by it. The answers I am going to give you will not be something you haven't heard before BUT... how you comprehend it this time; how you take it now, will have EVERYTHING to do with it finally working for you.