I GENERALLY stay away from politics. One can see why by some of the comments of late. I try to stay away from conspiracy theories and lizard people, recovered memory freaks and everyone who has a fixed opinion on what they only have secondary and tertiary awareness of, usually in the form of, 'so and so said so'. HOWEVER... it is my job as a human being to speak out wherever lies are being told and agendas from the dark side make their presence known.
There are certain facts that I do not consider conspiracy theories, such as who was behind 9/11 and the Holocaust Guilt and Blackmail- deflection from the Bolshevik GREATEST MASS MURDER IN HISTORY scam. Certain events and historical distortions I KNOW BETTER because I have painstakingly researched them. When it comes to particular subjects I have a legitimate Ph.D. I've no great respect for Ph.D.'s in general BECAUSE they toe the party line in too many ways. You see what happens to the truly informed when they depart from the party line, like my dear friend, Giordano Bruno, as well as Copernicus and Galileo. So I put no great value on the FACT that I have some knowledge of particular events and historical distortions. What I do not know vastly outweighs what I do know. I am an ant-man in terms of Cosmic Verities.
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